Sunday, July 30, 2006

The Pink Jersey: Vote with your Wallet

There's been a lot of talk around the web about the new pink jerseys the NHL is putting out in another attempt to get women into the great game ("beautiful" is taken by soccer, and too hard to pronounce through broken teeth). Generally, it seems like people are more amused than anything, but there has been some pissed-offedness (I reserve the right to noun verbs and verb nouns for the sake of entertaining you or myself). Here's the JAHL take: If you don't like it, don't buy it. That may sound like one thing, or another to various people, just like you can see a penalty call different ways depending on who you are pulling for. But this is what it means. If there is one thing the league office understands, it's money. Most GMs may not get the money thing, but the league sure does. They discontinue merch almost as fast as Disney. If it isn't selling, then they get that. There is no better way to send a message to the league than to leave them with a warehouse full of these things. That's what happened with the women's jersey style a year or two ago, and I predict that is what will happen here. You are more than welcome to write the NHL, and tell them you don't like the jerseys, but your money will go a lot further. If they can sell it (tickets, merch, anything), then it is a success. What I really don't get is why this is any different than a pink sweatshirt or t-shirt. If you don't like pink things aimed at women, where is the rage over that? It's a color and it's marketing. Everyone gets marketed to, no one is immune. If it applies to a jersey, it should apply everywhere. Frankly, they don't market jockstraps to women, so they won't aim these jerseys at men. BTW, what if the NHL gave five dollars from every jersey to breast cancer research? Would that change some minds? Of course, that means they would most likely raise the jersey price across the board, but I bet people would think a little differently about the whole mess. And, Pink Wings? Pink Jackets? Not in this lifetime. We all know there are better ways to make the game more "attractive to women," but this isn't about that. This is about selling some product. And this time, your wallet will speak volumes. Personally, I reserve judgment until I see them. I'm guessing they are going to be truly ugly, but hey, even the Preds third jersey sells, so who knows?

Saturday, July 29, 2006

All I'm Doing Today

Since work ended around 4:30 today, I don't have a lot to do. My two big things... Cleaning house. Reading vancouvercanucksoped. Today, Alanah is blogging for 24 hours straight. About hockey. For charity. Now, that kicks ass. Sure, its a Canucks blog, but it's still a good blog. And it's the blog that made me want to start blogging. So you can find out about pledging, or just go read, and help keep her awake. There's some fun stuff, and she makes fun of the Wings, which is worth your time any time.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Trash Talk

If there isn't scandal, it wouldn't be hockey. In the NHL, there's the gambling scandal, which seems to have been swept under the rug. But in the UHL, you have the Danbury Trashers and the organized crime charges. From skirting the salary cap, to no-show jobs for players and maybe wives, the ramifications for the league should be at the least worrisome. But to this point, the league, and President/CEO Richard Brosal, have been quiet about it. They basically have said the problem was with the Trashers, and owner James Galante, and doesn't affect the league. Strange, since making it to the Colonial Cup Finals with a team who violated the salary cap would be pretty troubling to me, and my team owners. Ask the Muskegon Fury, or the Quad City Mallards, both teams eliminated by the Trashers in the playoffs, how they feel about it. Playoffs for the minors is make or break money. If you make it, you might make your nut for the year, and if not, you may be the latest flop in the cities hockey history. Ask Richmond, who would have made it into the playoffs. So, today, I popped by Sidearm Delivery, a blog dealing with hockey news from Russia, the Rangers, and (this is why I found it) the Hartford Wolfpack. You should check this blog out, regardless of your feeling about those topics. A few posts back, he was talking about the UHL and these problems, but he brought up something else. Galante (Trashers owner) was brought up on charges of assault for punching a linesman in a game that got pretty out of hand. The game was back on Dec. 1, 2004, and I don't know where to find the scoresheet. I'm sure it would be a fun read. The punching seemed to happen in the penalty box, which is a strange place for a team owner to be in the first place. I'd guess it's true, because it's all too dumb to make up. What really pissed me off was listening to the FBI taped phone calls that the Danbury NewsTimes has posted on their website. The last two are of Galante and an employee (who is under federal indictment) and the employee and President Brosal, talking about getting the linesman to change his statement. The ironic part is how often the callers say the phone calls never happened. This is all small potatoes compared to the big charges pointed at Galante. This is easy to forget, but it shouldn't be. This is awful, maddening crap. This all pisses me off to no end. It calls into question the league's integrity. It makes the league President/CEO look like a criminal. It reminds you that hockey has it's dark side, and can get pretty dark. Last season, I took a road trip through the UHL, seeing a game in every city. I have some great photos, saw some great games, met interesting people, and the only downside was the shitty hotels I stayed in to keep costs down. I'm happy I took the trip, and it remains one of the best trips I've ever taken. I got to see a few games in my favorite place to see games (Glens Falls, NY). But this is disgusting. Listen to the calls, it's worth your time. (Since nobody has been convicted of anything, everything posted here is considered "Alleged." Because that's the way things are.)

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

At Least Someone's Doing the Math

The Rocky Mountain News have the calculators out, and tell me this:
Assuming Klee and Stastny are on Colorado's Opening Night roster, the Avalanche currently has 22 players under contract for close to $42 million. The NHL salary cap is set at $44 million, leaving the Avalanche a little room to re-sign free-agent forwards Brett McLean and Marek Svatos.
Of course, The excuses will fly. The bonuses. The amount of free agents. But a few moves are going to keep this team average. Tyler Arnason just shy of a million, Jose Hilton for over 5 million, Brisebois still in for 3 million. Truth is, there is overspending on individuals, not just the excuses. A $44 million salary cap is going to make your team look different if you can't live up to the cap. If the Avs are smart (which isn't likely), they will dump McLean, get Svatos on a one year deal, with options or some way to bring him back for quite a bit more, and kiss the trade deadline goodbye. And next season, show the one year underachievers the door, because we don't have the time, and we can't buy a team when things aren't working out. This is looking like a team that is going to be in rebuilding mode in a year or two, if they can get honest with themselves.

Monday, July 24, 2006

An Omen????

Two signings came down from the Mountain today. From TSN:

The Colorado Avalanche have signed defenceman Ken Klee and forward Paul Stastny. Stastny was signed to a multi-year contract while no terms were disclosed on the contract for Klee.

What should this say: The Avs are still active making moves. They are getting some more depth on the blueline, while working toward the future with some youth up front. What it does say: First off, we are not getting Svatos back. Stastny is the next Wolski, while Wols is the next Svatos. The shoulder discount just got spent. Second, defencemen with more penalty minutes than shots are ok by us. Just make sure they don't challenge the first line d-men. If Klee gets more than one year, shoot me now. There is better to be had than this, such as not spending money on the questionable. Building from within was never the way of the Avs. How weak are we in the minors? Why is signing Klee such a good idea? If Stastny were signed well before, or anytime after, getting Svatos back, I wouldn't be worried. But now I see the future. Stastny is insurance for Svatos. I just don't get it. Next thing you know, we'll be resigning Cummins, and trading Hejduk for Sean Avery. (shudder...)

Today's XM Call

Off season hockey talk. Fun, fun, fun. Today's rant... Quit questioning the officials to the third degree. Why did it sound like they we're deciding games? Stop it, let them do the job, and don't let your cameras decide the integrity. Americans can love hockey, just make tickets attainable. Ottawa has a section 218 (the Devils hardcore fan section), but they serve tea, finger sandwiches, and have poetry readings. Buy tickets before August 3rd, and you can join the book club. With all due luck, I'm establishing a voice on XM, and that seems to be with humor. They laugh, and hopefully, the listeners do to. Jersey post coming soon.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Happy Birthday to ME!!! (milk it once)

I rarely throw out that it's my birthday, and this is the only time I plan to do it here (this year at least). Last birthday was spent in the hospital recovering from a scooter accident from the day before, where I broke both arms. So far, this one is going much better. This has been a hockey filled birthday, with lots of presents that fill my need for the real beautiful game. Such as a Rob Blake signed puck, a DEG Metro Stars puck top Pez dispenser, a Minnesota Moose jersey (that's right, not Manitoba), a goal scoring puck from the AHL Calder Cup finals Game 5 (which I got to attend, and was the last puck to score in the building that year), silly putty (not sure), hockey cards (3 AUTO cards so far), a book of Modern Pre-Fab housing (which is kick ass, I love this stuff), and a big thick UHL All-Star jersey, of which I have no clue what year it is from (the patch says Jan 18th, in Ft. Worth, but has no year). Wow, what a load!!! Birthday jersey stack UHL AllStar patch UHL AllStar jerseyMinnesota Moose All of this came from my Signifigant Lighting Person (girlfriend), shipped in from all over the world, while she toils away in Philadelphia, PA. I just have to decide which jersey to wear today. So, if you came here because of the Birthday, well, I wish I could be humble today, but why start now. Thanks for coming by, and leave a comment if you can. Also, check out the "Few Favorites I Did Myself" to the right, maybe you can get a laugh out of them. I will be in the mountains, away from hockey news, just a nice peaceful day. But I'm taking my skates... Just in case...

Friday, July 21, 2006

First Jersey post

Slow news day here, with no good reason to call XM (even though I had some funny stuff, there wasn't enough to chat about). So finally I'm posting a jersey, which is the first half of the title, so I should get with it. This is my David Aebischer jersey: Aebischer Jersey Rear The black strip through his name is my protest to him being traded. If you get the idea that I think this trade was a good idea, you are not paying attention. Aebischer jersey front What's wrong with this picture? Lots of things, and I don't mean the couches color scheme. The added patches don't belong for a few reasons, because the third jersey was introduced to the club for the 2001-2002 season. So the Stanley Cup patch doesn't belong (even though he won the cup as backup that year), not the 2000-2001 All-Star Game patch, or the NHL 2000 patch. That's a playoff pin near the collar, but I don't think it will stay past one washing. The 10th anniversary patch lies in wait. My first game at the Pepsi Center was after the trade, but I did get to see Abie play in LA and Pittsburgh. Wearing the jersey to Pepsi was fun, hearing people behind me talking about it as I walked the crowded halls. It gets me into more conversations. Today, I was at a place (name will remain undisclosed until I have a crack at the merch) that had signed Abie jerseys for sale, at quite the discount. $70 for replica, $100 for the authentic. I don't think I'll get one, because what could be prettier than mine? More jerseys to come... Also, I need to find a better place to take photos. Cracks about the futon will be laughed at if funny, laughed at harder if not.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

XM Call

My XM call was about Snow today. I had this to say:

I don't know if you guys heard the latest rumors here, but it looks like Francois Giguere is getting fired, and Peter Budaj is getting named as the new GM. Also, Bryzgalov now says that Brian Burke is grooming J.S. Giguere as his successor.

They laughed, but I think they may be tired of the topic. I still felt pretty good. and two different Gigueres in the same call. Beat that, 218 (callers from jersey)

Curb your Appetite

So, the question I hear (read) asked a lot is weather or not a player is worth his contract. The last two I just read are Rob Blake (2 years @ $6 mil each) and Brendan Shanahan (One year @ $4 mil). Well, is Blake a $6 million D-man? For the moment, yes. But that could change, mostly in reflection to the rest of the league. But it's going to take another Stanley Cup to prove it. The Carolina Hurricanes won the cup based on a few things, one of which was team make up, but another was how that team was made up towards the rest of the league. In other words, it was the right combination at the right time. But they had a lot of things that other teams will eventually gravitate towards. Such as youth, team spirit (when was the last time you saw that?), speed, and skill. Which also, just makes sense. Of course, they would have been victims a few years ago, and the team was (not this team make up, but the canes). But for GMs, who still have the sins of the past to shake off, the learning curve isn't so much about learning as it is about proof. Remember how everyone was praising the Penguins for their off season moves last year (until they got Jocelyn Thibault, I mean, come on)? Then they tanked, and you would think the proof was right there, concrete evidence that spending on names and faces does not a hockey team make (like the Rangers proved pre-cap). And still, the cycle goes round. Free agent frenzy was just a symptom of fear. Nobody wants to be Chicago, and get left out in the cold, when you have real needs. But smart teams, or smart GMs, can pinpoint what they need, and get it without having to bum rush the stage of free agents. Just get what you need, don't make too big a splash, and fix only what's broken. Fear is what keeps the contracts being handed out from being reasonable. Teams who failed to make the playoffs or had awful showing are doing a lot of large dollar signings. But give it a few years, and, just like the rule changes, things will get under control. Inactivity is not necessarily a sign of a cool hand, or a level head, But to take a step back, not be too reactionary, and really look at your needs, that may save a team, and the league. Also, Off Topic, I just heard on XM Radio, don't let your dog hang his head out the door. It's unsafe. If dogs had hands, they would shoot themselves.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Random Stupidity

Wow, it seems that the stupid just keeps on coming. First off, the Islanders. While the firing of Neil Smith may have been something that was necessary, who can tell. It seems that the feeling is mutual at this point. Does that mean he's coming back to OLN? I'm not sure if I like him on air, no matter how long he's been around. But Garth Snow? Who thinks this is a good idea? Not even an Assistant first, just jumping straight in. Is this what the fans have to look forward to? Is this a SciFi Channel original movie? The GM from the Deep? I guess Rick DiPietro has a friend in high places. Lesson one: Make nice with the backup goalie. Always. Second, we should look at Jeremy Roenick. Do you remember when he said that he was having a bad season because his skates weren't being sharpened the right way. Now, the sad thing is, he keeps saying it. I suck at skating. I grew up on pavement, not ice. I've had my skates sharpened badly. Not just poorly, they were awful. I live in Colorado, so that's what you get. I say that because I have taken them to plenty of places, and nobody has gotten them right (not even a strange curve). But I knew what the problem was, right away. For an NHL equipment manager, this shouldn't be that hard. This is what you do. You sharpen skates, lay out jerseys, and take care of the gear. A guy like Jeremy Roenick is unable to tell someone that his skates are not the way he likes? That sounds like a load. And it should. Because if "an athlete" of that caliber, and that is your excuse... It's stupid. Lesson two: If you have to make something up, don't make it be stupid. If the truth is stupid, make up something less stupid.

Monday, July 17, 2006

What to wake up to

Couldn't sleep last night. Really. Just started to doze off around 5:40 am, and said, no, can't be having that. So I made the coffee, woke up the laptop, and what did I have? Stories. About 87 year old players, goalies with throats cut, where the cup went. And that's fine. But I won't link to the stories. Because you can have them. No stories this morning. I like a good story, but right now, I want something a little more substantial. A little signing here, a trade there. Maybe a nice little rant about what Sean Avery is doing on the TSN arbitration list. Or if Lindros is worth his salt anymore. Or why the Sabres are possibly changing logos. But not the stories. Please.

really, it's not fair...

Is it not fair that I have to go to work tomorrow? And before you answer that, is it? Is it fair that I don't give you the reason the goalie situation is going to hell? Is it fair that 7:00 is in the morning? Is it fair that I, your faithful monkey O' hockey, not be able to stand at the guard, against all that is dumb and stupid and poor for the cap? No. It is not. But I shall go none the less, and the contracts will or will not be signed without me. Weep, if you must. that is all...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Round the web...

My morning ritual right now seems to be getting out of bed, pouring my coffee (just a little cream, please), waking up the computer to it's groggy master, and seeing what the horrible hockey world has to say. Staring the screen down gets the eyes open, often with a laugh or two involved. Abel To Yzerman had this dig about the talks not going on with Svatos:

Too bad the HDID have no idea who Svatos is or how valuable he could be. It's just not as much fun reveling in Denver's pain if their "fans" don't understand what's going on.

HDID stands for "Hockey Dumb in Denver", aka the fans. Truth is, we do understand how valuable he could be. And it is could, because he's had two seasons shortened by shoulder injuries. Missing 78 games in the 03-04 season with a shoulder injury? Then missing the last 21 and post season in 05-06 with a shoulder injury? So the question is one of durability. Can he hack a whole season? I wouldn't be surprised if the Avs are trying to get a little more of a deal because of this, pointing at his shoulder, and seeing a ten percent off sticker from Foley's there. And frankly, if it's a matter of money, then there should have been no free agency signings this year. Yep, you can read that again. I'll wait. No free agency signings. All we did was sign Tyler Arnason, and while he may have come at a low price, he commands a low price. All I hear about him is how unmotivated he is. The Avs season starts off with a "we're here to win the Cup, nothing less" pep talk. Do they think Arnason is going to respond? At least he only signed a one year deal, which is a good thing, because he will not be here after that. But take the $950,000 he's making, and throw it at Svatos for a two year deal. Remember, Svatos could have opted for arbitration, but didn't. So they should be negotiating in good faith. Maybe he has the same agent as Belfour. Can't sign if you don't pick up the phone. I guess you have to get what laughs you can when you are in the wings situation. Fan favorites dropping like flies, the goalie situation turning into a circus, the fact you live in Detroit. Osgood as a starter? Looking more and more like a reality every day. They love him in Detroit, as they ignore his time in St. Louis. It's like Columbus' love of Ron Tugnutt. Unfathomable. A2Y is a wings blog, which should get some noses scrunched up a bit. But not as much as before, which is too bad. From the great rivalry there was, we are left with the slow drawl of "wings suck" from beneath our cowboy hats. I swear, there was a time when it was unsafe to wear a Red Wings hat in town. For a league that wants to rivalries, you have to wonder why they want to ignore the ones born of real hate and blood. Now that Bertuzzi's gone, will the Canucks still be as hated? Or are we supposed to dislike the Oilers this year. Don't let go of that hate, hockey fans. It's just too fun not to. Then again, A2Y found the Best Headline Ever. So, a little slack for a wings fan today. Yes, they have no goalie today. Finally, TSN reports that Phoenix signed goaltender Philippe Sauve, for a one year $550,000 deal. So, for all my Budaj complaints, I guess we got quite a deal. Wonder where Sauve will go next. I can't wait for Sauve and Pretty Boy Jose to go toe to toe, neither one taking of their masks, so as not to harm their good looks.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bad behavior

"Ilya.....Ilya...." Have you read this? Ilya Bryzgalov, who has too many Y's, decides to take a piece aou of JS Giguere, saying he his no longer the number 1 goalie, and that nobody wants JSG. But he doesn't want to say anything about him. Umm... You just did. apparently, Ilyyyyyya thought nobody reads Russian newspapers. It's like Manny Fernandez talking shit about Dwayne Roloson. The best thing would be for Ilyyyyyyyyya to get the bench, Gigge takes the number 1, and fans ask Ilyyyyyyyya to sign copies of the newspaper. And don't forget to go watch Knob Hockey. Ilyyyyyya makes the appearance, but Conklin is the most quotable. "Ilya....Ilya...."

Friday, July 14, 2006

Thin Air: Throwing Up in my Mouth

Just heard on XM Radio (with snippy commentary) Peter Budaj and Jose Hilton are one of the best goaltending tandems in the League (When? nuff said...) Svatos talks are not going well. (if Svat-dude signs elsewhere, he will be booed here like there is no tomorrow. Good luck, dude.) I just got a callback on my call to XM. (Boomer, my name is James. Rimmer knew that, but probably had it on his screen) Lindros is flying around, shopping his wares. (Eric, please do not step foot in Denver. We have guards looking for you at the airport, and are ready to drop a Fred Flintstone bowling ball on your nugget. Just don't do it.) How is it that Pat Quinn is getting less attention than Manny Legacy? (hmmm...) Is XM ignoring the Western Conf? (Not when I call) There. Now go get me some cap space...

Who could?

From the Rocky Mountain News:

The Avalanche also hired ex-NHL goalie Jeff Hackett as goaltending coach and Terry Martin as a pro scout. Hackett, 38, posted a 166-244-56 record with a 2.90 goals-against average and .902 saves percentage in 15 NHL seasons and was a teammate of Avalanche goalie Jose Theodore in Montreal.

??????????????? I can hear you now. "What's the big deal?" "What's the problem?" Remember how Couldn't Hackett retired? Remember why? Vertigo. Not the Hitchcock movie, which is ironic that his last coach was Hitchcock, but the aliment. He couldn't be in a game without being dizzy. Add to that some discouraging numbers, and what are we trying to gain from this? 2.90 isn't bad, but that was the "old" NHL, not the "new." But really, who cares that he had only 3 winning seasons out of 15. What worries me is that last line. Is this a Jose request? Are they great buds? Is this beneficial to Jose, or even Budaj? Or is this the goalie equivalent to the Big Dig? Loose bolts? Contracts for friends? Just saying... As a P.S.: Budaj signed a three year contract with the Avs. For the Avs to do anything else would have been to admit to doubt. Will it last? Or will Mr. Can't Hackett be able to do something with the rebound control issue? Stay tuned, true believers...

Thursday, July 13, 2006

There's a Blueprint?

Liles resigned for 2 years, to which I've heard the term "Locked Up" bandied around. Kind of sad when you think about it, that 2 years consists of locking someone up. What that says to be is how hard it's going to be to hold on to your talent. We knew this was going to happen, but was it so obvious before now? Last season, the older players moved quite a bit, but now the younger ones are coming around. So you develop a guy, build him up, and then lose him for a few hundred thou than you could play. Hmmm... Listening to XM Radio, I heard the guy who always sounds drunk that there is a blueprint for the Avs, and they are sticking with it. What blueprint? Lose the big guns, resign Sauer (why? WHY?), keep Brisebois and Turgeon around. This is a blueprint? I'm glad for the resigning Liles. He had Blake-like numbers last season (of course, that would be playing on the same line as Blake). And keeping young D-men around is great. But not being able to spend up to the cap on current talent over the year (ie: the bonuses paid to Blake and Sakic), how are they going to implement a "blueprint?" When your top 3 players (Sakic, Hilton, Hejduk) are set to get $15.05, and the next in line is Brisebois, there isn't much of a blueprint. has Budaj listed as signed for $600,000. A good price, but he has his problems. How much are they going to work on this? Who honest can they be about him? They had to bring back Budaj, and I have a rant about that. But not now. Now, I will bury my head in the sand. Ostrich out.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Aebischer gets signed...

The Canadians resigned David Aebischer to a one year deal today, and I say, good for them. Seriously. A one year is perfect for Aebie, because he can prove himself in Montreal, and the Habs can figure out how useful he is for the club. Maybe a late season trade, maybe he picks up Huet if he falls, but this looks like a win-win. The Schedule is out today, and there are some key dates for the Avs, but I am doing a few things today, so I'll post later about it.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Thin Air: Quick Fun Facts 1

Did you know:

  • There have been three different players named Cloutier playing for Quebec/Colorado, and none of them were named Dan?
  • Ron Tugnutt used to play for the Nordiques? Even though he never had a winning season, he was a starter. I almost feel bad for yelling, "Bring me the head of Ron Tugnutt" during the Avs/Stars 2004 playoff series. Almost.
  • Tommy Salo had a save % of 1.000 for the 2004 Playoffs? Of course, he only played 27 minutes.
  • Ron Tugnutt received six write-in votes around Columbus, OH for President of the United States in the 2000 election.?
Now that's why I love hockey outside of the games. The fun never stops.

Jose Hilton gets dressed for a game...

This is starting to turn into a bash on Jose blog. But it sure is fun

Jose Hilton wants an apology...

Jose Hilton and his girlfriend have asked for an apology and retraction over reports that they have split up, or that she has kicked him out of the house. So here is the official JAHL apology:
  • I'm sorry you drink Jack Daniels
  • I'm sorry for whatever you catch from Her Hiltonness (perhaps a cold that will keep you out of action for half a season)
  • I'm sorry you can't catch a puck
  • I'm sorry your hair is or isn't falling out
  • I'm sorry you can't stand on ice in your driveway
  • I'm sorry you couldn't have your mask repainted to reflect your new team, even though you had ample time while recovering from a broken foot

There you have it. I hope the apologies are accepted. And the next time you don't like the spotlight, perhaps you can do what a lot of players here in Colorado do. Avoid it.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Jose Hilton gets the look

Wanna know why I'm not sold on Jose Hilton? This is part of it. I feel a rant about the goalie situation coming on. And I don't think it's going to be pretty. I may not even care about the spelling. Rants....mmm.....

Monday, July 03, 2006

I can be on XM Radio too

I love calling in to XM Radio. I don't always agree about what they say, but it's always a good chat. Today, I think I was on for about 4-5 minutes. And they usually like talking to me, so it's more fun then the hit-and-go calls you hear on most talk and sports radio. When I took a road trip, seeing a game in every UHL city (14 at the time), plus half the CHL, XM Radio was a life saver. When I wasn't listening to hockey, it was the comedy. No comedy, back to hockey. No matter what you think of certain bloggers being taken under their wings, this one likes them.


So it's true, the St. Louis Blues signed Dan Hinote to a multi-year contract. The only report (unconfirmed) I've heard, is for 3 years, at $1 mil a year. From the St. Louis Blues website:

"Dan is a character player who brings speed and grit to our team," said Davidson. "He's a Stanley Cup champion who should instantly become a fan favorite."

For once, I agree with John Davidson. Danny is going to be loved in St. Louis. He brought a lot to this team, and will be sorely missed. Which brings me to the theme of the weekend, which is what the hell are the Avs doing? What are they waiting for? So far, one forward is all we've picked up, and we've lost our number one D-man, and our grit and character. Hinote will never be known for his clutch scoring, but that's just what he did at the end of last season, and in the playoffs (no, not like a real power forward, but still, there he was). There needs to be some serious replacements coming in here. There is no time like the present, because there will be no time very soon. The salary cap and the bonus money being honored from 2001 contracts will be the excuse we hear for the season. And as I say, the salary cap giveth and the salary cap taketh away. And with the money the Avs have spent over the last ten years, there was no way they would be on the taketh away end of life for a while. The Avs of old are dead, but I have yet to think "Long live the Avs." But look at the rest of the division. Vancouver got exactly what they needed, good goaltending and less distractions. Edmonton loses Pronger (to the Ducks), but signed Roloson, and have some fresh salary room to sign some free agents. Calgary gets Tanguay, which addresses who to put with Iginla, and the Wild are addrestheirthier scoring needs, and the only way things don't get better for them is if Jacques Lamaire out coaches the scoring. The Avs had better get moving, there is no time to wait. We are losing our players left and right, and not much coming in. Maybe Francois Giguere is spending too much time on the phone with Pierre Lacroix asking for permission. But Giguere seems to think the team is in good shape. From the Denver Post:
Giguere reiterated his belief the Avs, though suffering a potentially big loss in Blake, are in good shape for next season. One reason, he said, is the presence of goalie Jose Theodore. "This year, we're going into the season with a top-flight goal- tender from Day One," Giguere said.

Really? We're going to rely on Jose Hilton to get this thing done for us? One 52 save game, and all of a sudden, he's our guy? He is the guy who makes up for losing BLAKE????? I don't think so. Having a "top-flight goal-tender" would be nice, but that's not what we have. He better step it up from last year, or (dare I say it) we ain't making the playoffs at this point.

Yep, I said it. And I'm not taking it back.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Thank G*d for YouTube

YouTube is the only think keeping me from going nuts right now, as I wait to hear the facts, as to whether or not Dan Hinote is really going to St. Louis. If true, expect a frothing-at-the-mouth rant soon following.

Thin Air: UFA Day Two

Wow, what a busy day. I hear Blackhawks GM Dale Tallon had a nice nap yesterday. Also, it looks like the Avalanche offices have closed early for the holiday. I mean, who works on Canada Day, really? Gotta have priorities here, folks. Where are the Avs? OK, we got one guy yesterday, but at an NHL career high of 22 goals and 55 points, is he really a day one priority? I'm sure he would have been available day two, but not some of the blue line help we need now. I wonder how long it took for talks with Rob Blake to break down, before he signed with LA. I'm sure LA had offers ready, but there couldn't have been much time. Seriously, good for Blake. He has a big home in LA, and gets some serious bank at what could be the end of his career. I can't fault him. But I can fault the Avs. This free agency period is a competition right now. We have some of the same needs as several clubs. Who doesn't need a defenseman who doesn't take penalties? But with things as quiet as they are, I'm wondering who is going to be left? As of this writing, the only big D-man left is Brendan Witt, and he won't last. Someone tell me when we are going to get a team going, and what the sticking points are. Then, I can go take a nap, just like a GM.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Thin Air: Happy UFA Canada Day

Happy Canada Day! (This statement is required by blogger so as not to offend any Canadians who read this) Is it coincidence that UFA day and Canada Day are the same day? Why would you want to have such conflicting events happening at the same time. "Yeah, Canada! Boo, Chara's an LA King." Strange. Musing throughout the day about the free agency signings, and whatever else. Chris Mason - Why it took this long to sign him, I don't know, maybe it was required of the team. But if I were him, I'd be asking for more playing time. When Vokoun went down with a medical condition, Mason was not ready for duty, due to not playing enough games. I realize it's the way of the world sometimes, backing up a star goalie, but it was a mistake to keep him on the bench so much (a mistake that wasn't exclusive it Nashville). Dwayne Roloson - Resigns with the Oilers. Good for him. Really. Now, let's see if he gets the long-term-high-dollar-blues that Turco and Giguere and all of them seem to get after a big signing. Washington Caps resign Brent Johnson - And the world breathed a collective sigh. Chara - An LA King? Really? weird... Chara - And now a Bruin? What? How many other reports are going to come out about him? This makes more sense to me than going to LA. Could you see Chara rollerblading down the beach? No. Just stop. Considering how people don't seem to enjoy being in Boston these days, maybe $7.5 mil for 5 years is just to get him past the bad behavior of the club. John Grahame to Carolina - I'm just glad he went somewhere. He may not ever be a number 1 for a long time, but at least he's signed. Tyler Arnason is an Av - Ok. Don't know too much about him. Kind of average for a first day pick up. One year deal. Jovo to Phoenix - Good for Phoenix. They could use someone like him. Osgood is back with Detroit - Do you think Jose Hilton will fight him? 4:00 PM - Where is the Rob Blake news? What's the hold up? Worry meter tingling. Blake talks break off - Damn, the worry meter is going to get a downgrade. From the Denver Post, the issue being the $2.3 mil bonus that counts against the cap, and therefore takes away salary to give him. I'm sure more details will come to light soon, but for now, lets hope they don't wait too long to look for other D men, or resign Liles. Again, damn. Gerber goes to Ottawa - Does this mean Hasek is done? Or is that it for Ray Emery? Even though Emery stepped up after Hasek's injury, I know they weren't to happy with him as a person sometimes. But my feeling is Gerber as a 1A, Emery as a 1B. Gotta wonder what is going though the minds of Sens fans today. Happy Canada Day! And just like That, Blake is a King - That didn't take long. From the time the story came out that Blake was no longer an Av, to the signing with the Kings (2 year, $12 mil), no more than two hours passed. You know the Kings had an offer ready to pounce with. I can't wait for the Av's silence to become uncomfortably deafening. As of 6:12 pm MST, his stats are still on the team website. We'll see how long it takes for them to take them down (ala Tanguay). Lalime signed by Blackhawks - What is it with the Hawks and goalies? Khabibulin underachives last season, so they hire the guy who couldn't save in a 401k in St. Louis last year. This just in, Blackhawks have most goals against for 2006-07 season. Carney to Wild - The funniest thing I have ever heard yelled at a player was at the 2003 SCF Game 7 Ducks at Devils. "Hey, Carney, guess my weight!"

You know what I hate?

I just got back from pickup. And that, for me, means beginners pickup. Beginners. In other words, I'm a 33 year old who just started skating a few years ago. That means I suck. That means, when I go to beginners pickup, I expect other people who are beginners also. And for the most part, they are. But, for some reason, there always seams there's the guy who loves to skate circles around everybody else. The guy who always has the breakaway. The guy who is outskating the rest of his team.
"Hey, you know this is beginners pickup, right?" "Well, I'm not the best. If nobody else has a problem with it..."
Hey, F*%khole, if I didn't have a problem with it, I wouldn't say anything. It's beginners, and people are chopping at goalies, taking headhunting slapshots, and pumping fists after scoring on a goalie who is just as beginner as everyone else. Which, if you didn't know, is just f*#king wrong. It doesn't help that I'm icing my knee, because of being knocked down by the F*#khole, so I am biased. Who cares? I'm sick of ringers coming in and ruining things for the rest of us. And by the rest of us, I mean those of us learning to play the game. And it isn't just playing hockey... You see the same thing as a fan, people who "know more", we're there "back in the day,"scoff at you, make you feel like you are unworthy of being a fan., because, like royalty in England, you weren't born in to it. It isn't like it used to be, it never will be, old time hockey, you should have seen, you missed out. I feel like one of the rare breed of hockey fan, the one who put one skates, and tries every time. The one who learned the rules, learned how to skate, tried like you wouldn't believe. I'm the one who read the books, talked the talk, then found out how hard it is to walk the walk. I'm the one who found out the hard way. Those who had the opportunity to start early, and still have a love for the game, you are the lucky ones. I started skating at the ripe age of 30. I saw my first live game at the same age. I wasn't blessed with the early appreciation that so many Canadians have, or so many from New England, or those with an Original Six team nearby. But I still care, and I still love the sport, and on the ice, I take short shifts, work hard, and cheer on the other people (guys and "gals"). I could just do without the ringers.