Sunday, July 16, 2006

Round the web...

My morning ritual right now seems to be getting out of bed, pouring my coffee (just a little cream, please), waking up the computer to it's groggy master, and seeing what the horrible hockey world has to say. Staring the screen down gets the eyes open, often with a laugh or two involved. Abel To Yzerman had this dig about the talks not going on with Svatos:

Too bad the HDID have no idea who Svatos is or how valuable he could be. It's just not as much fun reveling in Denver's pain if their "fans" don't understand what's going on.

HDID stands for "Hockey Dumb in Denver", aka the fans. Truth is, we do understand how valuable he could be. And it is could, because he's had two seasons shortened by shoulder injuries. Missing 78 games in the 03-04 season with a shoulder injury? Then missing the last 21 and post season in 05-06 with a shoulder injury? So the question is one of durability. Can he hack a whole season? I wouldn't be surprised if the Avs are trying to get a little more of a deal because of this, pointing at his shoulder, and seeing a ten percent off sticker from Foley's there. And frankly, if it's a matter of money, then there should have been no free agency signings this year. Yep, you can read that again. I'll wait. No free agency signings. All we did was sign Tyler Arnason, and while he may have come at a low price, he commands a low price. All I hear about him is how unmotivated he is. The Avs season starts off with a "we're here to win the Cup, nothing less" pep talk. Do they think Arnason is going to respond? At least he only signed a one year deal, which is a good thing, because he will not be here after that. But take the $950,000 he's making, and throw it at Svatos for a two year deal. Remember, Svatos could have opted for arbitration, but didn't. So they should be negotiating in good faith. Maybe he has the same agent as Belfour. Can't sign if you don't pick up the phone. I guess you have to get what laughs you can when you are in the wings situation. Fan favorites dropping like flies, the goalie situation turning into a circus, the fact you live in Detroit. Osgood as a starter? Looking more and more like a reality every day. They love him in Detroit, as they ignore his time in St. Louis. It's like Columbus' love of Ron Tugnutt. Unfathomable. A2Y is a wings blog, which should get some noses scrunched up a bit. But not as much as before, which is too bad. From the great rivalry there was, we are left with the slow drawl of "wings suck" from beneath our cowboy hats. I swear, there was a time when it was unsafe to wear a Red Wings hat in town. For a league that wants to rivalries, you have to wonder why they want to ignore the ones born of real hate and blood. Now that Bertuzzi's gone, will the Canucks still be as hated? Or are we supposed to dislike the Oilers this year. Don't let go of that hate, hockey fans. It's just too fun not to. Then again, A2Y found the Best Headline Ever. So, a little slack for a wings fan today. Yes, they have no goalie today. Finally, TSN reports that Phoenix signed goaltender Philippe Sauve, for a one year $550,000 deal. So, for all my Budaj complaints, I guess we got quite a deal. Wonder where Sauve will go next. I can't wait for Sauve and Pretty Boy Jose to go toe to toe, neither one taking of their masks, so as not to harm their good looks.

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