Monday, December 11, 2006

LiveXish From the Game

First period Why is Hejduk a scratch? Or Svatos? Why is Grahame in goal for the Canes? Smells like a low importance game. GOOOOOAAALLL!!!!!! Arnason gets his own rebound. You can always tell Laperierre, not by his sze, but by his expressions. He gestures like a french canadian. Clark breaks up a pass, but puts it right on his own net. Nerve wracking. Skrastins for hooking. I hate when he takes a penalty, since he's one of our best PKers. Puck goes out of play, and the Avs catch a break. It looked cleanly out, but it's hard to tell from this angle. Leopold makes a few nice moves, which are promptly nuetralized by Vaanenen. You have all the vowels, Ossi. Isn't that enough? Turgeon for hooking: the Canes get in ckose to Budaj, but get nothing. Commodore gets the between the legs of an Av, but there is no call. The penalty is killed, but that's two against the Avs, and none against the Canes. That's living dangerously if it keeps going. Third penalty in a row for the Avs (Sakic for hooking). It's because the Avs aren't coming out of their zone well. The Canes are getting past them too much on the way to the goal.

2nd period Clark is in the penalty box for holding. I missed the call because I went to visit the Acidqueen. More on that later. Richardson for hooking makes for a long 5-3 (1:31) The 5-3 kill was working so well. A Canes fan will tell you it was tic-tac-goal, but it was a little more sloppy than that.Williams from Stillman and Staal. That ain't no way to live. 1-1 Finally, a hard check from the Avs. And a Canes penalty. Puck out of play for the Delay of game. The powerplay falls apart, and a couple chances get turned into a chase. Canes #25 gets stuck in the glass. Jersey pinched in the glass. That isn't in the rule book. Canes for holding the stick. Yeah, at home. Alone. Like he does. HELL of a shot sequence there. Avs take advantage of the broken stick. Commodore bodyslams an Av in the crease. I don't think Lappy will be tangling with him tonight. Turgeon is looking at is feet way too much. He isn't making quck plays, and it's leading to turnovers. Wolski with Brunette and Sakic. Good combo. Cotton-Eyed Joe. Hick meets techno. Perfect Colorado song. Period ends 1-1. I'm off to see the Acidqueen.

3rd period And just as I get back. Canes score. As I was waiting to get back to my seat, I wondered why Leopold would let the man he's checking make any lind of pass. I was thinking, "finish that check." And now it's 2-1. Crap.and right away, holding on Brisebois. The experiment is almost over. Budaj with the HUGE 2 on 1 save. Klee with the 2 on 1 save. But things are not clicking enough for the Avs. The quick passing and creativity we saw at the beginning of the season isn't happening like it was. Hejduk out, Svatos out, none of it is helping GOOOOOAAALLL Brunette putting in his own rebound. Is that the Sakic-Wolski-Brunette line? You freaking bet! Avs on the PP. And a... GOOOOOAAALLL!!!!!! Liles jumps up in the play and slaps it home. Brunette and Sakic with the assists. 3-2 Avs. Hope springs in turtles. I'm starting to think that if there was a stat for softest checks, the Avs would lead. Whitney for tripping' but the crowd didn't realize because it was called by the back official. GOOOOOAAALLL !!! Brunette feeds Sakic, who slaps it in. Next play, Sakic on the rush fires up the crowd. Nothing like having a late lead to get the crowd behind you. Is it REALLY fun to stay at the YMCA? I doubt it. With less than 5 minutes left, Canes take a hooking penalty. Not the way to get back into the game. Grahame makes the slidibg kick save. But then GOOOOOAAALLL!!!!!! No one sees it go in, and even Turgeon dost know what happened. Under review... I'm going to watch this one on tape. IT'S GOOOD!!!! 5-2 Avs. Budaj is seeing everything at this point. Clark goes in the box for a hook, but it doesn't help the Canes at all. Avs win it 5-3.

Postgame The fact that Rod Brind'amour was out with a groin injury helped the Avs, but the game looked like the Avs played 2 periods, the Canes played about 1 and a half, and Peter Budaj played all three. He is working hard for the top job in net.

Now, beer me. I'm off for a beer with the Acidqueen. Blogger beer summit!

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