Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Avs Lines at this Point

I know, as an "Avalanche Blogger," I'm supposed to be looking at the make up of lines. It's my duty, it's what I'm supposed to do. I chose to accept this mission, and the tape has self-destructed.

I can't do it.

Not yet at least. Last time I did, things started falling into place, making a little sense. I could see who went where. Then I found out about Stastny and Klee getting signed, realized I'd missed the signing of Rycroft, and realized that arbitration with McLean would have a lot of impact on things. Then I read The Hockey News' depth charts, and my head exploded. I'm not sure what's going where at this point, and won't act like I do.

Also, I'm now under the assumption the Avs will dump the high scoring antics of yester-year. So many scorers are going or gone, and the defensive focus is becoming obvious. The question is, what does The Q see in his team? How will the previous members of the team adjust? And then, how will the fans adjust?

Go get a copy of The Hockey News, your brain will explode. Mmmm... Brain-explodey.

BTW: I just made my first real post at my Hockey Travel Blog, with photos linked at the bottom. I want to put more up there (such as my UHL road trip), but my focus is this blog right now. Go over there and take a look. It's fun for me. Maybe it will be for you, to. Or you will hate it, and want to destroy. Then you can wear this jersey. It's a pretty cool jersey.

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