Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Blogs, Blogging, and Bloggerish...

There's a lot going on today, and this past week in the world of hockey blogs. More than just bloggers talking about other bloggers, but some great stuff. I had a visit from the Significant Lighting Person (girlfriend), so I didn't have much time for posting. I'll just point you to the good stuff: Blogging and Journalism: Abel2Yzerman had some good stuff to say about bloggers vs. the mainstream media. Here's what I really liked:
Sports blogging seems to carry with it a sense of courtesy that doesn't exist in the mainstream media. If a story, or thought, originates somewhere; that writer is referenced. It's natural and it happens every day at every blog. Mainstreamers? Not so much.
A2Y is a Red Wings blog. There's no disputing that. But it's a really good blog(who had a nice thing to say about this blog). And this is, among other things, an Avs blog. Our teams will battle it out, the rivalry will continue, and I will read what A2Y has to say, all the time. The cool thing is, there may be jibes, there may be cracks, but in the end, I'm not trying to sell myself over other blogs, like newspapers do. Here's a little more from A2Y:
It's courtesy, and-bottom line-it"s good journalism because it gives your readers more choices, more options to formulate their own opinion.
Journalism? I couldn't think of myself as a journalist. I would rather have a "take" on something than reporting, which is a form of journalism, I guess, but not really what I'm going for. I want to join in the conversation, and make some laughter, too. I want to take the aggravating, soulless, faceless Avs, and inject a little humanity into it. I want to say how I feel without being all "Rah-Rah-Rah." Look at the Acid Queen, or Sidearm Delivery, or a lot of great blogs, and you find that. You find a voice, not just reportage. You get a take, and you get an opinion. Perhaps, my favorite part of the blogs I read is that they have no censor. It's opinions, it's thoughts, and it's done to the beat of it's own drum. Mainstreamers have to worry about upsetting the fan base, employerloyeer, the censors, and mostly, they teams they report on. I can kick dirt, call names, bash players, and be more grounded in reality, because I have no credentials to pull (and sometimes, no credibility). That's freedom, baby. Kukla has a brand new gig: Paul Kukla of Kukla's Korner (where I get all my NHL news first, and so should you) just got the dream job. No, not backup goalie for the Islanders. He is the new blogger for the NHL. This is his first blog entry. Good for him. I hope the NHL lets him have the voice he has, ala what I just wrote above. This is like Steven Wright getting his gig on Carson, and maybe getting some fame and recognition for other bloggers. I hope things don't end up the same way as the Boston comedy scene. Go watch When Standup Stood Out, and you will see what I mean. I just watched it, and it sticks in my mind, maybe because I've seen the same thing before. VCOE and the charity run: Do you remember vancouvercanucksoped was doing the Blogothon, 24 hours of blogging for charity? Did you read it? You should. For as long as Alanah was up, she kept it together posting some great stuff. Funny, interesting, and wildly entertaining. Go read, post a comment or send some feedback, and let her know. Appreciate some good work for a good cause. You will be rewarded with talking monkeys. Site Meter: So, I decided to put a site meter on the blog. I guess that means I'm ready to be readprobablyobobly means I'll look at it too much for now, but it's fade. I figure it's only other bloggers looking at JAHL, linked from one sidebar or another. That's fine, I figure sooner or later, some other people who want some Avs and jersey fun will start looking around. I'm a little nervous, putting what I have to say out there, but it's pretty boring to just think things. I'm here to have the conversation. So conversate. Verbage: JAHL has the right to verbize nouns, renoun verbs, adverb nouns, and generally mess witEnglishnglish language as seen fit to emote, explain, or entertain. You can thank Warren Ellis for that. He does it the best. But he is rather insane, so click with caution.

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