Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Avs Finding New and Creative Ways to Lose

Tonight, the Avs showed the world what they are made of.

I decided that, before what is going to be a grueling work week, and what has already been a hard gig this week, I decided to go to the game. I am not going to call that a mistake, because a game is a hockey game. There is a score one way or the other, and you take your chances, on the game, on the score, and on your team. The Avs are "my team," and I am a fan. That is an admission, and a statement. I don't call the shots for them, but I am still a fan. Whatever punishment that means, I have to endure somewhat.

Tonight was a testament to that. From being ahead a few times, to what can only be called a complete meltdown, I had to suffer through it. At the game itself. I paid for the privilege of witnessing a too many men on the ice that was more obvious than one of the N'Sync coming out of the closet, and then an eventual 5 on 3 that lost the game. There were other parts to the game. The McLean goal that surprised Nabolov, the injury to Cheechoo, the shorty from Brown. But nothing defined the game more than those 17 seconds.

The Avs continue to lose games by one goal. They are losing games they lead. They are losing games by simple mistakes you don't see in rec league games. They are losing games, and that has to change soon.

This is a team who don't have an identity. This is a team who don't know who they are. This is a team who need to make a few changes.

First, Coach Q must go. We had better success under the Granato regime. He has "lost the room." He isn't the direction we need. He isn't the Avs.

Second, make a few trades. Not just the kind that gets us a little cap space.

Third, don't be held by Theodore's salary. He needs to earn his pay, and if he can't, bench him. We may be playing the goalie dance again this year.

Fourth, decide what you want from this season. Is this going to be a season of playing hockey games, or is this going to be a season of the big pause. Are the Avs going to make a run for it, or are they going to wait for cap relief for next year.

What do the Avs want to be? It can't be this.

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