Monday, November 13, 2006

Laundry Night in Colorado

The Oilers were in town tonight, and I thought about going to the game at the Pepsi Center, but looking at my work schedule over the next few weeks (getting bigger by the day), my on hand cash (not that big), and the pile of laundry (HUGE!!!!). I decided to stay home and see the replays. What does that mean? The Avs don't play replays of anything that goes against the Avs. No goals against, no penalty calls, no hard checks. You get a Ken Burns style photo, a deep, bassy, sound-of-doom pad, and a lot of people wondering what just happened. Don't blink during an Avs home game. (You would know that already if Blogger hadn't gone down for a while tonight, as I tried to do a pregame post. More on that in a bit) Here are my thoughts on Patrick Roy's night: For all the anger and dislike of Patrick Roy, he is the greatest goaltender ever. There are plenty of people who can't stand the guy, but anyone who cries at their jersey retirement ceremony can't be that bad (yes, even Mark Messier) The Hejduk goal was a nice little play, with some serious traffic around the Oilers net. The top line of Sakic, Brunette, and Hejduk are playing well. Let's see how long it takes the Q to change the lineup again. Ryan Smyth, what can I say. What a great first goal, and hard work on the second. I have nothing bad to say about that. What is Laperriere doing on a line with Stastny and Wolski? Why is Svatos on the third line? What is the point of this? Laperriere is nice and fun behind the net, but so is Stastny. When is this crap going to settle down? Hey, Q, let the boys play. They are your best asset. Penalty after penalty called on the Avs in the third period. And you know what? They were all good calls. It ain't the refs, folks. Hejduk is on fire tonight. Skating like hell, doing the job. For those who said he had to step up his play, he has. Ryan Smyth had to be helped off the ice after he tried to skate past John-Micheal Liles out of the Oilers zone. It didn't look like a knee on knee, more like a knee on above-knee. From the replay, it's hard to tell if Liles stuck his leg out or not. I'm sure different sides will be taking sides quickly. I hope Smyth's going to be alright. That is the 3rd one goal loss for the Avs in a row. But the Avs have the 3rd most goal for in the West. What does that tell me? That opponents are scoring a lot of goals against the Avs. That sounds obvious, but there are too many goals against all the time. Theodore looked good in goal. The rest of the team? Questionable. For the Oiler blog perspective, check out Covered in Oil and the Battle of Alberta. But really, there are so many Oiler blogs, I think it must be required for residency in Edmonton.Finally: Blogger took a crap again tonight. I am really thinking about moving this blog to it's own domain. I have a few other ideas for a site, mostly centered around the blog. What do you think about them apples? After looking at the cool blogs and sites of Wicked Bruins Fan, So Very Obsessed, Behind the Jersey, and Off Wing Opinion, I like the idea of rolling you own blog. Any thoughts? Hey, and look at that, my offline blog writer isn't able to post either. Are the blogging gods trying to tell me something?

1 comment:

Heather said...

moving to your own domain isn't difficult. it seems daunting at first, but it's pretty easy to grasp. i moved from blogger to my own several years ago; if you need help, i'm usually around.