Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Avs vs. Kings Preview

Avs take on the Kings at home for the second time tonight. I was kind of disappointed the last time they met, only because the home fans saw fit to boo Rob Blake a bit. The crowd was pretty mixed on reaction, but for a guy who gave a lot this team to get treated like that, it's just sad. I never really cared for the booing of players, but I can kind of understand it. The fact that the Avs couldn't afford Blake's services any more isn't Blake's fault. The Avs didn't think an old bonus in 2001 contracts would creep up on the salary cap era. And, really, I'm happy for Blake, that he gets to go back to a place he thinks of as home, live in his house he bought with the Kings, and his kids get to be back in California. Good for him.

But, we are going to crush his ass (you knew that was coming). Blake hasn't been putting up Blake like numbers this year, but John-Micheal Liles is. And who thought that the signing of Dan Cloutier would be a scoop? I can't say that the Avs are going to handle the Kings easily. It's hockey, not Monopoly. OK, bad choice, maybe it's not Stratego. But the Kings are remaining someone's sleeper pick, mostly on the sleepy side.

If you want the King's side of things, the best I can give you is The Battle of California. Mostly, it's become a Ducks blog, rather than a battle. But that's cool. It's telling that Earl Sleek has dropped Cloutier in one of his many hockey pools. Don't blame you there.

I will be watching the replay, and that might become the norm for a bit, as we have final dress rehearsal for the Opera tonight. So that means no pithy insights directly after the game. You wait your turn.

By the way, George Parros is not your typical goon, I guess. But that mustache has to go. Duuuuuude.

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