Tuesday, December 12, 2006

JAHL is Moving!!!!

Right on the heals of the Biggest Blogging Announcement Ever!!!! (yes, even bigger than The Battle of California actually being a battle), I took the plunge a week or so ago, dropped the spare change, and now,


Yes, that's right, in a few weeks, I will take all the limited talent I have produced on blogger, and move to it's own separate site. I should be ready to take the plunge in a week or so, and I will be moving all of the content over to a Wordpress blog, so things will be interesting for me shortly.

I also have a few other projects in mind for the site, nothing to big or shocking, but stay with me on this, I think it's going to be fun.

As for Alanah at VCOE, I wish her well on the move of her site, even though I'm kind of sad she is shutting down the old dog. VCOE was one of the reasons I started blogging in the first place.

I will let you know when the date is near for the inevitable screwup I will make in transferring sites. Thanks for sticking around.

Technorati : , , ,


Robert L said...

You're such a tease! What no details yet?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the nice words, Tapeleg. And congrats on the new site! I'm looking forward to it. :)

Earl Sleek said...

yes, even bigger than The Battle of California actually being a battle

I assume the new site will continue the tradition of 'potshots at BoC'. :)

Heh, good move though. In contrast, I lack the courage to even upgrade to the newer Blogger.

Tapeleg said...

In fact, that's it's new URL, potshotsatboc.com.

When you see the new look, you will steam with jelousy, and have to make the move. That wordpress is some nice stuff.