Thursday, August 31, 2006

Do You Want to Read the Worst Interview Ever?

I just got my copy of The Hockey News' Yearbook. Holy s#!+ is Sidney Crosby boring. For three pages of fluff and pictures, Crosby puts us to sleep, answering the most hack questions a hockey person could ask. If it will help steer you from wasting your time by reading it, I will now give you the highlights. Crosby wouldn't say that, doesn't know about this, thinks the town he lives in is "neat," thinks Jay Leno is a nice guy, and some other stuff that I would report back to you, but I fell asleep. What have we done to athletes? They get jumped so fast for showing any personality, they won't show any at all. I'm not talking about Sean Avery or Jeremy Roenick. Those two deserve what they get, because they are such asses when they open their mouths. But the normal athlete is too scared to say anything, thanks to a sensationalist media. It drives me nuts. You might as well get rid of the player interview all together these days. There is no need. The hack questions asked over and over to the same dull, emotionless answer. I'd like to put the standard don't-get-me-wrong paragraph, maybe a little butt covering. But that isn't going to happen. This is exactly how I feel. I am bored to tears with these players. I bet they could be interesting people, have interesting things to say, maybe even be conversational. That's one of the impressive things about players who are no longer in the game. They don't have to censor themselves so much, and didn't have to in their day. They tell great stories, talk shit about other players, and generally speak their minds. Why can't we have more of that? This is just one more reason Alex O is winning me over. He is colorful, honest, talented, funny, has fun, and still has a good head on his shoulders. He will tell you what he is thinking, and doesn't have to apologize for it. He has a personality, which I have yet to see from Crosby. Need proof? Watch this... Also, check out the guy (is it a player?) at 2:40 into the clip, with the picture stuck to his back, and then finding it. I can't imagine what Crosby goes through in his life. It isn't something I would want for myself. There has to be so much pressure on him to be an ambassador for the NHL. But, come on. Show me something here. We could all use it. Also... Hey, Rick Nash. Did someone slip you a mickey for your snippet in the last issue of THN? Try to sound more excited about a rivalry. At least sound like it matters, not like you are writing a report about it. If you feel the rivalry with the Preds is strong, great. Now do something about it. Jeez, why did you even bother to answer? Technorati : , , ,


Earl Sleek said...

Damn! I was saving that interview to read on the plane. Then again, I probably could use some sleep...

Anonymous said...

That must have been a prank with the pic on the guy's back. But he looked like security.
I completely agree with all you've said here. There are so many reasons why players don't say shit. Some are superstitious as far as predicting anything. Only coaches really call players out in the media. Especially John Torterella!!!
Thank god for guys like him.
There is also the liabilty and human rights issues at stake perhaps...stupid f***ing pussy world!
I'm sure the kids like anything these guys say, where adults see through cliches. But maybe they should start asking different questions, like "Hey Alex, you gone fishing this year?" Or "What was the ugliest girl you ever made out with?"

Tapeleg said...

Best question ever to a player came from my girlfriend after the AHL 2005 AllStar game skills competition. Jason LaBarbara was signing a puck for her, and she asked, "Did you have fun?" LaB was a little suprised, as iff no one has ever asked him that before. He just smiled and said yes.

You should have heard Columbus GM MacLean on XM Radio yesterday. He was on a roll about Zherdev.

faux rumors said...

Cut Sid the Kid a little break. he's just 18. We can't imagine all that kind of attention at that age.
BTW, we here at FAUXRUMORS are predicting that #87 will win the Ross this year at age 19. Anyone recall when that last happened? Yes, by # 99.

faux rumors said...

Cut Sid the Kid a little break. he's just 18. We can't imagine all that kind of attention at that age.
BTW, we here at FAUXRUMORS are predicting that #87 will win the Ross this year at age 19. Anyone recall when that last happened? Yes, by # 99.