Sunday, August 06, 2006

Thin Air: Some sunday reading

There hasn't been much hockey news of interest for the moment. I've been sitting around the apartment waiting for something to happen, just trading barbs around the web. If you are stuck for some entertainment, give these a shot:

Ingmar Bergman Shoots... And Scores! talks about why Swedes are Evil. Funny as hell. Then click around for some good hockey-related photoshopping.

American Hockey Fan is the funniest hockey blog out there, bar none. Go there and read some great stuff. Click around the archives, read some more. You won't be disappointed.

Kukla's Korner has all the hockey news you need, and has added some outside bloggers to the site. There's a really good post about the new CBA, and the ramifications for teams trying to keep a roster around.

Reality Check has a list of hockey quotes. Take a look.

Zanstorm has some drunken ramblings about the Florida Panthers and the playoffs. You can skip the first ten, but tune in for the second. This is what Capt. Morgan's does to a man.

There's lots of other good stuff out there. Some of it is even hockey related, like Bergman's salary analysis, or Sidearm Delivery talking about Russian hockey players. But for the most part, things are seeming a little snarky, and I enjoy snarky.

As ever, click around, get some flavor. When the season starts, there's going to be a barrage of posts. Get in early, so you can say you knew them back in the day. Which Dane Cook says was a Wednesday. Go figure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I think you've done a very nice job with your blog. I have had a chance to browse your site and I think many people would enjoy reading it. I would like to link to your site from my site.

For the past few months I have been working on my site It is still in the process of being developed and will be finalized in the next month (or so). The premise of the site is to provide a centralized area where independent people, who like to write on sports or read about sports, are able to find articles/authors they enjoy. As part of my website, I am going to provide a "sportsblog library". This will provide readers a searchable data base to find the sports teams that they enjoy reading about. I would like your site to be part of the sportsblog library. If someone searches for the Avalanche they would be able to find a link to your blog.

I am not looking for a straight listing of all the blogs that relate to each team; I am looking for a place where someone can go and find a well written blog that offers information to the knowledgeable reader. I think your site provides such a quality. As such, I would like to invite you to be listed in the sportsblog library.

Anyway, I look forward to your response and I hope you will accept my invitation.


David Crowe
Write On Sports LLC