Friday, September 29, 2006

Brad May Out, Nobody Notices

The other Avs news is that Brad May is out 4-6 months for shoulder surgery he suffered in the Avs / Wings game I was at. From TSN:

''After further medical testing and evaluation it was determined that surgery was necessary,'' said Avalanche head athletic trainer Matthew Sokolowski. ''The procedure took place yesterday and we are anticipating a full recovery in 4-6 months.''

Just like the Avs, he has surgery, then announce his status. This is why it's hard to be an Avs fan, and an Avs blogger. They treat news like this is a White House press briefing. Come on, guys, help us like you.

My question is, how did May get hurt? I was at that game, and I didn't see him do anything. Maybe it was when he was patting himself on the back for winning his fight. He won't be missed much, a monkey could fill his skates. An untrained monkey. But with the news of Steve Konowalchuk retiring today, there are more holes in the lineup than ever. But Brad May? Hell, bring back Jim Cummins, for all I care. And I hate (as much as I can hate someone I don't know) Cummins.

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Konowalchuk Retires

Steve Konowalchuk has decided to retire today, following an abnormal EKG test. After further testing, it seams there has been more of a problem than was originally thought. From the Colorado Avalanche website:

Konowalchuk made this decision official after undergoing an additional series of tests relating to his heart condition. This condition was detected during medical tests that all Avalanche players underwent prior to the start of training camp. Results from a standard EKG test revealed an abnormal reading.

"In Steve's case, the abnormal reading prompted further tests which revealed he has Long QT Syndrome, a genetic disease involving electrical conduction which can lead to irregular heart rhythms," said Dr. Steve Friedrich, Avalanche cardiologist. "These findings were confirmed through a series of tests that Steve underwent at the University of Rochester Cardiac Center in New York, which runs an international LQTS registry and is a research center for the syndrome. Steve and the physicians in Rochester conferred with multiple national centers in order to form a consensus regarding his condition."

So the biggest fears have been realized. Aside from being completely sad for a person who gave a lot to the team, Steve Konowalchuk is one of those guys I would challenge anyone to hate. When the mud is slung around at any player for anything (big misdeeds to small), none of it sticks to Steve. He came to the Avs when Paul Kariya was injured, and stepped up to the plate with leadership. He played way beyond his number ever indicated. From Steve, via the same article:

"This has been a very painful process, but I'm very proud of a long NHL career and happy to have a lifetime of special memories and friends to take with me."
What a way to retire. I'll have more of the colder what-should-the-Avs-do-now thing later. Right now, I'm just sad.

Avs Profiled in the Paper(s)

The Avalanche players have been showing up piecemeal in our Denver newspapers, pretty much just little profile pieces. For those who don't know, the relationship between the two papers is dubious at best. They share the same building, one delivers on Saturday, while the other delivers on Sunday, and they are entirely too agreeable with each other. They have pretty much been splitting the players between themselves. Here now, I make with the linky-links:

Jose Theodore

Peter Budaj

Ian Laperriere

Marek Svatos

Ken Klee

John-Michael Liles

Joe Sakic

Milan Hejduk

Ossi Vaananen

Tyler Weiman

Tyler Arnason

I'm sure more are to come. We'll see what we can do to get them up. Enjoy, do your homework

Thursday, September 28, 2006

A Quick Note to Media People

To all the media people who snub Tie Domi,

Please stop bashing Domi, for your own sake. You have had access to his locker room for years. He now has access to your buffet. This is called accountability.

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Avs vs. Stars: the Tilt

The Avs and the Stars played a preseason game in Dallas last night. Let's see what we have here.

Jose Theodore lets in 3 goals on 4 shots in the first period. No matter who wins, that may be the most telling thing about the game.

Stastny is playing some with Hejduk and Brunette. That is normally Sakic's place. That tells me how much they think of Stastny.

Stars suck not nearly as much as the Wings. Just saying.

Everyone seams to be chipping in on goals: Laaksonen, Laperriere, Arnason (for real this time), Hejduk, and Brunette (who also had two assists).

All but one Avs goal came on the PP. Dallas had a bad night, taking 10 minors (6 for the Avs).Avs get one 5 on 3 goal, which they did not the night I saw them. No punch-in-the-face contests.Why? May was watching the game.

Avs win, 5-3. Overall, the only one who shows up looking shaky on the game sheet is Theodore (3 goals on 6 shots for 30:17 of play). Peter Budaj saw 9 shots, stopping them all. Even Svatos was seeing some action tonight (13:40 of ice time). The step up people are becoming obvious.


Is it just me, or is it kind of sad that the Colorado Avalanche website posts it's game recaps directly from the AP?

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Does This Sell Papers in Canada?

The hockey season starts with some usual suspects every year. The overpriced preseason, hockey pools, bets on how long it takes Eric Lindros to get hurt, and the "story" about how hockey is so small and underachieving in America.

From Chris Zelkovich of the Toronto Star:

With a new season set to open next week, the National Hockey League is facing a new challenge to avoid hockey being dismissed as a minor sport in many major American markets.

U.S. TV ratings for the NHL hit an all-time low last season and newspapers in the league's two largest markets, New York and Los Angeles, have either decided against sending reporters on the road with their home teams or are considering doing so.

Let's get this straight. First off, the second paragraph is old news, which has been reported on at length in the blogs around the web. Like Sharkspage, for starters. OK, that could be considered news.

But come on. How much do Canadian newspapers need to tell Canadian readers that the sport is less popular in the states than Canada? What does this do for Canadians? Does this grow the sport? Tell them something they didn't know? Sell newspapers? Ah, there you go. What was The Hockey News leading with during the Stanley Cup Finals? That the finals were on TV, and nobody was watching (What was that I was tuning in to? Fear Factor NHL Edition?). One word for it: hack.

Tell me you haven't heard it all before. Tell me you haven't heard about how nobody cares about hockey, while you are wearing your favorite jersey. Tell me this 'reporting' does anything for you. Some guy bangs out a hack article about the NHL in America, and pats himself on the back. We, the people who read about hockey, KNOW THIS ALREADY. Hockey fans know the size of the game in the States. And WE, not you at the Toronto Star, are doing something about it. We are writing about hockey, not hacking out sorry articles slanted to make the Canadians in the house feel better about themselves, or even just the us against the world mentality. It's HACK. It's been done before, to death, and much better. I didn't think I would do this, but Chad Zelkovich, you're on notice:

JAHL on notice

Want to write something worth reading, Chris? Here's a challenge. Go find some hockey fans in America. Not just the easy hockey America, Original Fix America, go find some in the fun and surprising parts of America. Go read All Roads Lead to Hockey, by William T. Boyd, especially the chapter set in a border town of Texas. Do some leg work, and tell me something different. When one NASCAR event can bring out 100,000 people (on a slow day), and hockey lags behind dramatically, you could bang out an article without any research at all. Why don't you go find some real fans in America, instead of pointing to the numbers. Find the people who can't afford to go the the rink all the time, or the people who ride the bus to the out of town games, to cheer on their minor league team. Go talk to the people you consider hockey dumb, or even non-existent. Find out where they go after the game in Atlanta, or what the tailgaters who took the Carolina Hurricanes into their hearts before the Cup win are like.

Hey, I'll tell you what. Don't bother, Chris. I'll do it for you. That's the gauntlet.

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John Buccigross, How I Wanted To Miss You

John Buccigross made his return Monday, with his weekly column on For those of you who don't know who Bucci is, (and I discovered last night that some people don't), he is one of the few employees who love and promote hockey. He, along with Barry Melrose (you know that name) and Ray Ferraro (that one too, I'm guessing) were on nhl2night, the post game and late night hockey wrap show that was canceled with the lockout and the television contract moving to OLN. Bucci is one of those guys on sports shows who can turn the volume down, be likable, and doesn't seem to fit in with the mainstream. Like Dennis Miller (without being conceited) , he brings in some obscure references (mostly indie bands, and U2) that you feel cool to catch.

John Buccigross writes an article a week (or so) through the season. He was doing caption contests, making predictions, and this year starts us off with predictions for the Eastern Conference. But first, an extended rant about his Uncle!!! Crap, I'm going to fall asleep. He gets to hockey eventually, telling us how hockey is just the right size of market share for what it is. Whoo - hoo. Thanks for the update. Finally, on to the teams.

From his New York Islanders prediction:

Am I the only guy in the world who doesn't think the Rick DiPietro signing was outlandish? (Booming, Michael Clarke Duncan voice from above: "Yes, John, you are.") If DiPietro becomes a top-five goalie, it's a great deal for the Islanders. If he becomes a top-10 goalie, it's about right. Goalies can play for a long time.

If you are not jumping up and down on your chair, screaming at this, you have a better grip on life than me (not really surprising). But, come on. Is this for real? Bucci isn't dumb, and often is allowed (remember, this is ESPN) to say what he wants. But would you put Martin Brodeur a 15 year contract five years after he was drafted? Or Patrick Roy? Or any goalie? Luongo has been traded twice since he came to the league, and is thought of as one of the best around. Goalies can play for a long time? Dude.

After that, I stopped reading. I admit it, I was bored. There are predictions everywhere. After sifting through the first rant, looking for the relation to hockey, I moved on, bored, and lost interest. Why pick on one column? Why point to John Buccigross? Bucci is like a writer in the mist. He is part of the mainstream media, but is loose enough that he doesn't seem like it. His column coming back marks the start of the season for a lot of hockey fans. And he is a good writer.

But there is so much good writing out there right now. There is so much, I don't have time to read it all, which I wish I could. If you are here, reading this, you know there is more to it than what ESPN or TSN, or your local newspaper (who half the time just reprints stories of the wire) has to say. I've listed a bunch on the right, and am constantly talking about them. And it's really good writing. Bucci can go to a game with former players and tell you what that is like. I can go to a game, send updates from my seat, and tell you if it was worth the full price for preseason I paid (it was, but just the once). Bucci takes in hundreds of emails, while I take in my ten. I'm no Bucci, and I'm cool with that. But the Bucci column, if this is any indicator, tells me that I'm going to be sticking to the blogs this year.

If you want to find alternative sources for your Bucci like fix:
Caption contest every Friday at Waiting For Stanley
Humor and ranting at American Hockey Fan
Interesting and well written hockey stories at Eyes On The Prize
From the perspective of someone in the media at James Mirtle (his own blog)
Then click around the blogroll over to the right, and find some more you like. Stick with them.

Quick note: I like Bucci. I do. Reread that first paragraph. You'll see. Good writer, seems nice, loves hockey. I'm not going to rip on him all season.

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Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Post Game Special

Some closing notes on tonights game (which are detailed and opinionated because I was at the game, so there): * If I had my way, there would have been one or two posts tonight, rather than five. Unfortunately, the Palm does not have that sort of software. Also, my thumbs need to callus up. They are the ones who paid the price. * The Avs preseason wins matter, the loses do not. That is the way it is. This is a fan blog, usually fair, and often balanced, but sometimes, you have to pull for your team, and that means pulling away from reason. * Stastny with the goal in the second? I thought Arnason touched it. Damn. Arnason acted like he touched it. Damn. Well, anyways, Stastny rocks.

* I am not going to edit the previous posts. I was hurried during the game (which was liveblogging, like the format or not). No apologies. * Williams and Samuelsson were the Wings I didn't catch names of for the shootout. The booing was too loud. Of course, I was busy being a good little blogger. I sacrifice so much for this. * Red Wings fans were everywhere. There was a time in this town when union workers would threaten your life for wearing a Wings jersey. I've seen it. What happened? The rivalry needs a boost. Regardless, they were very nice Wings fans. * The Avs are in decent shape overall. Stastny will be sent down, even though he has done nothing short of earning a spot on the team. Sakic and Brunette round out tonight's roster, and Klee can go away quite quick for all I care. See something different? Speak up. Comments are open. * I had a great time at the game. Glad I went. I won't liveblog every game I go to, but it sure was fun. Scoresheet Recap

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Monday, September 25, 2006

3rd Period

Richardson scores on the PP!.

Boychuk scores even strength. Double hell yeah!

Best taunt: "red and white makes you look fat!"

Wings score, and yet still suck. Go figure.

Skrastins cuts off a pass perfectly.

May earns his money in a punch in the face. May wins decisively, how embarassing for the Wings.

Klee trips, gets 2 minutes, hurts inside.

TV timeouts are better for blogging in than the game.

Jersey watch. Most unique jersey I have seen: Avs pink jersey. And yes, IwoCPO, it was on a woman.

Wings goal makes it 4-3 Detroit. Wings suck even worse. How unusual. Usualy goals make you better. Huh...

High stick to Laperiere. call is a little suspect.

I wish Brunette were playing.

Avs PK bails out Jose. Mad scramble behind Theodore. Why behind? Who knows. It's Jose.

5 on 3 for the Avs for 1:21. Stastny is out for the PP, which makes me happy. He's looking REALLY good out there.

Wolski is acting like a playmaker. Passing quick and crisp. He needs a line to work with regularly. He could shoot a little more. Like Thornton.

The Wings have iced a more balanced team tonight. But you can see where players like Sakic and Brunette are going to fit help make it a team.

AVS SCORE!!! 27.8 left on the clock! McLean gets it! We've got us some FREE HOCKEY!

OT: Hejduk for tripping with1:28 left. Sadly, it was a good penalty to take.

and we go to the shootout. It's not sudden death, it's 'certain death.' I like that.

The Zamboni drivers need more practice at the dry scrape.

Hejduk: miss Houtler?: score Stastny: SCORE! Zetterburg: miss! McLean: SCORE!! ?29wings: score Wokski: SCORE!!! 37wings: MISS!!

AVS WIN!!! 5-4!!!

-- Sent from my Treo, from the winnerdome!

2nd period

Wolski plays hot potato. Hejduk isn't ready.

Osgood looks good , but so does Theodore.

There was a time when a linesman knew how to jump over a puck.

Richardson for hooking. The crowd does it's duty and boos. It's a good call. Wings score on the PP.

PP avs. Let's get it back.

AVS SCORE! Arnason from Stastny. Hell yeah!

Fire the scoreboard op. He's got happy fingers.

Zetterburg in the box for hooking at the end of the period.

2-1 Wings. We got us a game.

-- Sent from my Treo

The view from my seat

The view from my seat
Originally uploaded by Tapeleg.


Sent from my Treo. What else?


Originally uploaded by Tapeleg.

This ones for alanah


Sent from my Treo

First Game of the Season

I'm actually nervious. This isgoing to be good.

Stastny, Wolski, Lapeeriere line. Liles, Sauer line

What is May doing out there?

Liles: hands on the stick, dude

Wolski takes one off his foot, and limps off. Don't get hurt, it's the preseason. He come back.

Theodore and Osgood start us off. Sakic isn't playing due to his hip injury on Saturday.

Red Wings suck. Just wanted to put that out there now. It's important.

A good play by Rycroft. Hope springs in turtles. That's from John Bowman. Look him up.

Wings score first. 2 on1 where the pass should have been cut off. It was the only play, really. Who is 27? (send him down!)

They won't show us goals against on the jumbotron. Like we are babies and can't handle it. Why take something away you can get on TV? Sucks.

Skrastins and Clark mis communicate and almost leave the shooter too much room. Not good.

One- bothing at the end of one. I'm having fun. More later. -- Sent from my Treo, from the game, so excuse my spelling and typos

The Battle of Colorado

Most people think the only hockey in Colorado is the Avalanche. Not true, and this year, not by a longshot. The state is filling up with hockey, an the minor league level. The established Colorado Eagles will get an instate rival starting opening night for the Central Hockey League. October 20th, the Rocky Mountain Rage play the Eagles in Windsor (just outside of Ft. Collins, CO) for what should be an automatic hatred fest. I am sure the CHL is salivating at the prospect of a hard division of fan base, from silly string incidents to parking lot brawls. The Eagles continue a sellout streak at 83 games this season, which may not look like much, except that the CHL plays a shortened season of 64 games (32 at home), and the Budweiser Events Center has seating for 7,200 (I think hockey config is less).

The Eagles got into a legal dispute about putting the Rage so close to the Eagles (42 miles driving distance), and I'm not sure what the outcome is/ was. The fact that the building the Rage will be playing in (Broomfield Events Center) is going to be finished soon means there is little to be done about the situation. But you build on success, and the Eagles have proven that, to the chagrin of others, hockey has taken off in Colorado. The Battle of Colorado begins Oct. 20th. Mark your calenders. It's going to be fun to be a hockey fan in the Front Range.

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Sakic's Hip?

Supposedly, Joe Sakic left the Las Vegas preseason game against the Kings Saturday early. The Denver Post said it isn't much:

Sakic suffered an injury, but Sunday the Avalanche listed it as nothing more than a minor hip flexor. The Colorado captain isn't expected to miss much time.

That's about it. And I say supposedly because there is NO INFORMATION about the game. I know the preseason doesn't matter, but getting info piecemeal sucks for those who do care. At least that should end soon.

Tonight is Red Wings vs. Avs, at the Pepsi Center. I still don't have a game to go to, so it may be this one. It seems weird to be disappointed in going to an Avs/ Wings tilt, but I kind of am. One of the fun things about my previous job was being able to travel around and see teams I had never seen in buildings I had never been to, let alone ever heard of. I would rather go to a Plymouth Whalers game and buy a program from Christy of Behind the Jersey, or the Hartford Wolfpack and try to find Brushback from Sidearm Delivery. You know what sounds fun? Sitting in the cowbell section of a Rockford IceHogs game. They mount multiple cowbells to sticks there, I presume for a good and noisy beatdown. I had a great time at my one game there. Even got the two Hog mascots to sign my puck. I don't think I'm up for the hype and volume of an NHL game tonight. Take what you can get, though.

Now that I think about it, it would be fun to put a little sidebar element where you could put your teams game up (locally to Colorado, of course). Getting people out to any game is part of the deal. Hmmm....

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Sunday, September 24, 2006

Las Vegas Hockey Commercials

I found these commercials on youtube today. Funniest one last. Watch the guy stickhandling at the end.

Then the other two


None of these would fit in with the BHL (Bettman Hockey League) but are much better than the My NHL commercials. What isn't?

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Avs lose in Vegas, do the Reassignment Shuffle

If the Avs lose in Vegas (3-2 against the Kings), and there's no scoresheet on the game, does anyone notice. I have no real details, like who was in goal for the Avs (Cloutier was in for the Kings), or penalties. The Kings won it in the last minute, but a goal scored on (who?). So I got nothing. And don't forget, I can tell you this one doesn't matter, while beating the Red Wings is an omen of epic proportions, because this is a fan blog. That's the way it goes. We wear our bias like a game worn jersey, with pride. Here is your marginal recap. I figure the league may be hung over, and the scoresheet happened in Vegas, so it stays in Vegas. It probably partied to much last night, and was found passed out in the front row of Starlight Express. Don't ask it any questions, it doesn't remember what happened.

The Avs did the Reassignment dance today, and it looks slower than the Monster Mash. From the Avs site:

DENVER - The Colorado Avalanche Hockey Club announced Sunday that it has reassigned four players to the club's American Hockey League affiliate in Albany, NY:
Kyle Cumiskey, D
Ben Guite, C
John Laliberte, RW
Tyler Weiman, G

These players will report to the Albany River Rats training camp which begins Monday.

Weiman goes. Even though it was going to happen soon, I hoped he would stick around for the whole preseason. Oh, well. Nothing else special to report. I found a couple of funny hockey commercials on youtube, and since my brain is soft as mush today, I may put them up later.

I'm still looking for my hockey game to go to tomorrow night. I know there's a Wings vs. Avs preseason 'tilt' at the Pepsi Center. But I'd rather see something else. What have you got, Denver?

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Are You A Hockey Monkey?

I am in constant search for videos of The Zambonis, the best all hockey band ever. This one I love:

But this just popped up on youtube, so it goes up. A small clip of the Zambonis at UNH. 2 songs. It's just a digital cam on the side of the stage, but still entertaining.

In case you missed it, this is the link to their website. Do you think they are Whalers fans?

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Saturday, September 23, 2006

Dying for a game

The Avs are playing tonight, but not on TV. Just the radio broadcast tonight, but I'm not listening. I need to get out and socialize a little, so I'm headed to Brother's Bar.

Denver, I need your help. Looks like I have Sunday and Monday off from work, and I feel the need to see a game. I don't really care what level of game, I just need some hockey (this is the hockey love after all, not just the NHL). I would prefer some sort of organized game or league play (I know, good luck), but I want something. The comment section is open, if you know of a game to go to. I may be the only one in the stands, but it's a game. Your help is appreciated.

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Avs in Vegas, Baby, Vegas

The Avalanche are taking on the L.A. Kings tonight in Las Vegas, at the MGM Grand Arena. I didn't know they had an arena in the MGM Grand, at least not one with ice facilities. Of course, the hype, or what there is for a preseason game, is about the Avs facing Rob Blake. If you want to read about it, the Rocky Mountain News has an article, which is a bit of puff, and doesn't really say much at all. Just like this mornings JAHL post. I don't expect much to come of the game, which is broadcast on the radio for all you Avs fans. I'm in early at work this morning, so who knows what I'll have for you tonight. Elsewhere, Ducks beat Canucks, DiPietro loses to the Bruins, Caps beat Pens (without Crosby or AO), and none of it really mattered, as it's the preseason. Still, Vegas, baby. Vegas. That's so money.

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Friday, September 22, 2006

Finally, My Rookie Camp Photos

It took a while, but I have a few pictures up from Rookie Camp. I put them over on my Hockey Photo page, so I don't clutter things up too much on JAHL.

You can find them here. There's just a few, nothing real insightful, but they are up. I went, I took photos, I blogged. Ha.

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Weiman and the Future

There are a lot of bright spots for the Avs future kicking around, so long as the Avs hang on them. From Stastny to Wolski, there is some talent waiting to develop into dangerous NHL players. One of those is Tyler Weiman. I'm big on Weiman. He played for the Championship Colorado Eagles a few years ago, earning Rookie of the year and Most Outstanding Goaltender awards. Weiman looks good in goal, solid with his positioning, and quick with the glove hand. He isn't quite ready for the NHL, but he will be soon. He could be the answer in a few years when Budaj and Theodore play out their contracts. Now it's a question of experience. That experience took a major step last night, with Weiman's first NHL action. Weiman got the win in net, playing the 3rd period, OT, and the shootout. From the Rocky Mountain News:

He stopped 13 of 14 shots in 25 minutes, two of three in a shootout, and skated off the Joe Louis Arena ice with a 3-2 shootout victory over the Detroit Red Wings.

"There's a lot of history in this building and this is the first time I even dressed for an NHL game, so it's a good feeling," said Weiman, who was the Avalanche's sixth pick (164th overall) in the 2002 NHL entry draft. "I'm just trying to make the most of my opportunities, do the best I can.

"I understand the situation here. I'm just trying to get a little confidence and a little experience at the same time. It'll help me not only now but down the road. I put a lot of pressure on myself. I have high expectations for myself."

Yeah, the situation in goal is pretty much set. Unless the Q (Quenneville) starts messing with the goalies like last year, Weiman wont see much more action with the Avs. But the future is looking good in goal. I'm pretty happy with that. The rest of the goalie situation, we'll have to see.

Stupid Phone Tricks

Stupid Phone Tricks Originally uploaded by Tapeleg.

You have to try things out. This is a test to see if this email/flickr/phone thing works. If you find it dtuck in your RSS, that tap handle is from Baltimore, MD. Hockey is everywhere. Hopefully, this will get better with a better phone, which has to wait for now. -- Sent from my Treo, crossing my fingers

Avs win, joyous day

The Avs beat the Red Wings in the shootout tonight. What's the big deal? Check out my previous post. Stastny and Wolski got shootout goals, in a game that was mostly played with the 2nd line on down. Theodore and Tyler Weiman were in goal for the Avs, stopping 29 of 31 shots. Dumb things for the Avs: Wolski got called for diving with 30 seconds left in OT, and Laperriere took a double minor in the 2nd. Other than that, pretty solid night with two punch-in-the-face contests.

I'm not committed to doing game recaps, as I have a job that sometimes keeps me from watching the games. We'll just have to see.

Scoresheet NHL Recap

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Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Why the Avs are better than the Wings

Sometimes the gauntlet gets thrown down in the hockey blog universe, and even with the hockey love on your side, you have to respond. Like a child being told that it isn't worth it, I will still give as well as I have taken.

IwoCPO at A2Y started the bile and hatred of the season with his first of many, "Why My Wings Are Better Than Your..." It was a childish rant, more along the lines of a detailed list of hopes and dreams, powered by whimsy and self-deception. I wish things were easier for IwoCPO, but he is in Michigan, home of the wish-we-were-Canadians. I shouldn't bag on him too much, as half of my traffic to this blog comes from him alone, sitting in front of his computer, shaking his fist, yelling phrases like, "What the hell is a Tapeleg?!?!?!" Sad.

But this offseason has been pretty tame, allowing the loathing for my Trifecta of Evil (Wings, Canucks, and Devils) to settle like a vinaigrette dressing (my metaphor engine is down today). This is when you look to your fellow man to bring all the hate, anger, and fury that is totally unreasonable to the surface.

So, without further meandering, I give you, Why the Avalanche are so much better than the Red Wings.

Goaltending: HAsek. (that is not a typo, I laugh every time I hear his name) Come on. He could lose a puck in the crows feet around his eyes. I know he was the goaltender of the Wings for some successful campaigns, but come on. If this were a production of A Christmas Carol, he would play the Ghost of Excuses Past. Osgood? Why is it he can only play well with the Wings? Oh, yeah. Because he sucks out loud, and has needed a good team in front of him to get the job done. The least heard phrase in St. Louis when he was there? "Great save by Osgood!" You know I don't care for Theodore, but he at least doesn't need a defenseman to skate the old man into goal. Both teams are in wait and see mode, but at least ours isn't collecting Social Security.

Offense: No. Simply put, you are wrong. While the Wings were off in Europe during the lockout, the Avs were home getting fat and lazy (not Tkachuk fat, but still...). It hurt the team, especially players like Super Joe. That isn't the case. The Avs may not have a few of the guns from last year, but Svatos is back, Wolski is a terror, and Brunette is underrated. You have....someone... who is it? I'm looking at the scoresheets from last years playoffs and NO ONE STANDS OUT. I'll get back to you.

Defense: Are you seriously going to pick on Liles? Really? He put up Rob Blake like points, took less penalties, had a better shot %, and still is faster skating backwards than most Wings (that last one, I can't prove. It just sounds good). You have the Norris Trophy winner, sure, but he probably gets tired dragging Chelios around by a tow rope. Chelios. He really had a great World Cup of Hockey in 2004. He got to play, while staying five feet from the boards at all times. He should have been on my side of the glass. Of course he resigned. The Motor City Mechanics aren't around this year.

4) Fans, hockey knowledge, overall attitude toward hockey: Yeah, right. You own hockey, I keep forgetting. We know nothing about hockey. That is dumber than you think we are. That's like saying you know nothing about clean air (oh, never mind). Yeah, our fans suck. We are horrid people who only come out to games to continue the SELLOUT STREAK. We know nothing about hockey, because we don't come from an Original Fix city. Keep fooling yourself. We'll let you. This is more childish than ending an argument by screaming "Gordie Howe!!!" Come and actually talk to some of the fans. You could be surprised.

5) Tradition: Who needs tradition when you win the cup in the first year in town. That's something you can bank on. Then you do it again five years later. Wings won back to back cups, I know. After 42 years of not having it. And we didn't need the hated rival to win it to get a kick in the pants and do something about it. Red Wings tradition comes with a healthy dose of Blackhawks like losing. The 1996 Stanley Cup Victory video was on the other day. Avs looked good. Still do.

I do want to say that in his post, IwoCPO did not tear me nor JAHL a new one. He was rather complimentary, but I can not rebut what he posted without taking it to him somewhat. So I want him to know how much I appreciate this opportunity to get the rivalry back where it belongs, red hot and mad. Go to Abel2Yzerman, check out his blog, for it is worthy of high praise. And you get to keep your friends close, but your enemies closer, without that awful Detroit smell.

And, did I hear the IwoCPO lives in Memphis? I think he has all the making of a River Kings blog going.

BTW: If you think this post is going to piss off Wings fans, just wait. I'm cobbling together some honesty that will hurt. Oh yes, there will be pain.

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Preseason: Avs beat Stars

The Avalanche beat the stars last night in the first preseason game, 4-1 with 3 power play goals. The story today, though, is goaltending.

From the Rocky Mountain News:

If his first two training camp performances are any indication, Jose Theodore already is prepared to begin the regular season.

One day after stopping all 21 shots he faced in the Avalanche's Burgundy and White exhibition, the 30-year-old goalie was nearly perfect Tuesday night in the team's preseason opener.

Don't start shouting about how it's only preseason, I realize that. But it is nice to see something positive about the guy right now. It's preseason, but at least this is based on performance.

Since we have one two papers in town, the other can talk about Peter Budaj. From the Denver Post:

How much action the Avalanche's backup goalie gets in general this coming season is probably more predictable than it was in 2005-06. Last season, Budaj ranked anywhere from first to third on the Avs' goalie depth chart, depending on the month.

Yep, all goalies all the time. As for the lines, Brunette - Sakic - Hejduk were the main line, but that's about all I have:

Last night was the draft for the Waiting For Stanley draft. Afterwords, we went over to one of my sub-blogs for a little smackdown. The chat lasted for about 3 hours, and was hilarious. Trades were made, insults were slung, and much drinking ensued. You could almost see Hodge regretting his choices as he tried one single-sided trade after another. (Brunette-Liles for Gaborik-Demetra?) Today he posts his inaccurate assessment of the night. Earl Sleek for the Battle of Earl California took on a couple of Ducks, proving how married to his team he is. It is kind of cute, though, not being able to give up a few Ducks for more points. He is the perfect person to be blogging the Ducks. As for me, I have a few choices I may regret. But, for a first time draft, drafting seventh out of eight, I feel I did pretty good. A few late round sneaks, a decent (but hated) goalie, and, even though the big time scoring leaders were gone by the time I got there, a decent mix up front. We'll have to see.

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Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Reassignments start

The Avs started reassigning players today. From the Avs website:

Seven players were assigned to the club's American Hockey League training camp in Albany, NY, RW Dan DaSilva, G Kris Mayotte, D Brandon Roach, C Ryan Steeves, RW David Svagrovsky, C Peter Tsimikalis and D Michael Vernace.

Three players were assigned to their respective junior teams, C Codey Burki (Brandon-WHL), C Chris Durand (Seattle-WHL) and D Raymond Macias (Kamloops-WHL).

No real surprises here. But so far that's seven to Lowell Albany, and how many from Carolina. Again, the dual affiliation is going to get sticky. Some of these guys (most?) will get sent down to the Arizona Sundogs (Central Hockey League affiliate) from the River Rats after their training camp. For instance, I don't think Mayotte is ready to be a goalie in the AHL, so he will go down to the Sundogs. I hope these guys had a good rookie camp. I didn't see anyone dogging it.

Avs Coming Into Focus

The Avalanche are done with training camp, and the preseason starts tonight with the Avs taking on the Dallas Stars at the Pepsi Center. The game won't be televised, but will be broadcast on radio.

The preseason also means that coverage of the Avs has been picking up quite a bit. has it's season preview of the Avalanche, which has this little bit at the beginning:

The exodus is under way in the Rockies, where the Colorado Avalanche is moving into a transition phase, as a number of very familiar faces have moved on from the perennial Western Conference powerhouse.

Frankly, I like the sound that a lot more than rebuilding. The Avs haven't yet to reach the rebuilding stage yet, although it is close. Shedding the sloppy one year contracts, getting back the "bonus money" cap space, giving the younger players the chance to play for a year, and work within that transition is going to pay dividends in the future. The predictions of doom before the season even starts, before a single game is played, are not yet founded in reality. High expectations have been shelved around here, but the team has yet to prove anyone right or wrong. As fun as it is to write about, the success or failure of the team is still in the future.

The focus on the team is all about who has left, and not on who is here. I doubt the Avs themselves will focus too much on it, as there is nothing to be done about the loss of FORMER key players. Now, someone else has to become those key players. Liles for Blake? Svatos for Tanguay? Wolski for Forsberg? Those are the exciting questions right now.

Oh, and the Avs still have Joe Sakic. Here is what he had to say in the Denver Post:

"It was like that last year a little bit, people doubting us," Sakic said. "But it's how you come together as a team, and we're going to have a lot of guys that surprise people. We're going to have a good, exciting team again. We've got to try to jell quickly, because we've got a lot of new faces. We're going to work on that in training camp."

O Captain, My Captain. I can get behind that. I realize no captain is going to be down on his team from the start, but how can you not believe Joe Sakic? Some people are questioning if he is too old for the new NHL, but not I. Super Joe still has one of the hardest wrist shots around. He lost a half step last season, due to not playing in Europe (which we saw with other players), but that won't be the case this year. He's still got the passion and the skill, which is what a team like this needs. If you go to the full article, scroll down to see Super Joe in his old Nordiques uniform. Worth it.

John-Michael Liles is one of the players whom the Avs will be looking toward this season to make big things happen. From another Denver Post story:

Liles symbolizes the new-look Avalanche defense. He's young, fast and offensive-minded. But he's not very big and not very physical. Fortunately, this is the new-look NHL, which favors players like Liles.

Liles is one of those players who was overshadowed by his teammates. He has solid numbers, if coming around with his game, and is one of the perfect players to take hold of this new NHL. He could become a franchise D-man, if he is allowed to. Don't forget, he was chosen for the 2006 Olympic team, which may not have gone anywhere, but he was good enough to be chosen. That says a lot.

This season, I'm going to be looking for that Mike Commodore type of D-man somewhere on the roster (who would have thought anyone would say that). Commodore, during the run to the Stanley Cup, was one of the most positionally perfect d-men out there. He was interesting to watch, which is strange for a televised game and a defensive d-man. If the Avs have that sort of player on the second or third D-line (or both), it would go a long way in playing with a defensive responsibility they showed when they were winning in the playoffs (when they were losing, they didn't look like they knew what they were doing going the other way). In front of an uncertainty like Jose Theodore, they will need to show a bit more defensive savvy, rather than just being the high-flying Avs of old.

Still no news about Steve Konowalchuk. That isn't surprising, since he is still in the middle of tests. I wonder, if EKG testing was around in the sixties, how many players would have sat out due to health issues? Hell, they would have to sit out due to liver issues, if all the stories told are to be believed.

There will be some more coming up, as the media cranks up it's coverage of hockey, and I figure out were JAHL will be headed through the season. Dig out the frosty adult beverages, the ride is about to start.

BTW: This makes post number 100 on JAHL. Technorati : , , , , ,

Don't Hold Your Breath

Tyler Arnason is earning a bit of praise from the Rocky Mountain News:

Tyler Arnason reported to training camp in tip-top shape, physically and mentally, and is on a mission to make the Avalanche look shrewd for signing him as a free agent.

So far, he's making a favorable impression.

AS nice as that is, let's not go too crazy here. We're only talking about camp and the Burgundy and White game here. The intersquad game was won 4-3 by the Burgundy team, of which Arnason was not a part of. He did score a goal though. Also, Jose Theodore stopped every shot (21) sent his way.

Tonight, the Avs take on the Stars at the Pepsi Center, in the first 'real' preseason game. I will not be going, even though it's only 6 blocks away. I have other plans, and will be executing them to perfection. More on that later.

Also, I know I promised the Red Wings smack back to IwoCPO at Abel2Yzerman. It's coming, probably tomorrow. Patience, young Skywalker.

Monday, September 18, 2006

XM Radio Picks for Playoffs, and the Mainstream Media Pisses Me Off

James "Boomer" Gordon picked the playoff teams for the season. I missed the Eastern picks, and could care less about the East. Here is the West

Columbus first in the Central

Minnesota first in the Northwest

Ducks first in the Pacific

Detroit, Nashville, Edmonton, Calgary, San Jose finish off the list.

Huh. You know, some days, I wonder what these people are doing, reporting and giving opinions, or just being shift-disturbers. Columbus over Nashville? Minnesota over Calgary? Come on. I understand the Conference has gotten a lot better for most teams, but this seems silly to me.

I have my serious issues with the list, but I keep remembering that it is just one list, from a source that needs to sell me a list. I'll tell you, I'm getting sick of some of the mainstream media batting around thoughts and garbage just to get a rise out of the audience. Ever get the sense they don't even believe what they say? The Hockey News is one that has gotten under my skin lately. It seams like every other week, they decide to bash on the NHL in America and the American fan for no good reason. Frankly, I'm not sure why I keep buying it. I get better hockey news and views from Kukla's Korner than anywhere else. From there, I can pick what interests me as far a columnists go. I used to go to TSN and a couple of times a day. Now I use an RSS Reader, look to the blogs for opinions and news, and get better information with more options than ever. Most of the hockey news I want comes to me, rather than having to look for it. My RSS feeds include google and yahoo news searches for "NHL" and "Colorado Avalanche." I get updates every five minutes, then read what I want. And I get updates from my favorite bloggers automatically (who are independent writers, doing a real craft).

And most of it doesn't piss me off like some of the mainstream outlets. The people I read daily are there to provide information and an honest opinion. I know they don't need me, as much as I need them. They would still do the job without me reading. Not so with the mainstream. If you don't buy (or buy in to) their product, they have no purpose. They might like hockey, or whatever else they like, but if they don't sell it to us, they cease to exist. Even an independent blog who relies on advertising to get by started on it's own, and continues under it's own steam. John Buccigross is a good columnist, and a fun read. But do you think ESPN would let him swear in his column if he wanted to? I, on the other hand, get to tell you that he is a shitty hockey player (I saw him at the UHL AllStar game in 2005). I'm not saying that he doesn't get to write what he wants, and he is a good writer, just that he doesn't fly under his own flag. And, sometimes, that makes a big difference. The Hockey News doesn't get to tell me about the mainstream media's problems, just like the Red Hot Chili Peppers do not get to tell me about being an alternative band.

So I listened to the picks on XM Radio, and then used my power as a consumer, and turned them off. Then I wrote this little rant. And, since you decide to read something other than what is easy, you get to sit through it.

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JAHL and the Buffaslug

The Buffalo Buffalos Sabres have shown the new logo and jerseys for this season. The fans, who wrote, yelled, and screamed about the often leaked logo, were not heard. They will be placated by the use of a vintage like third jersey, but that won't keep the fans at the arena from wondering when they drove to Nashville. These jerseys look like Predators jerseys made with the wrong yellow coloring. If I were a pessimist, I would say that money had to have a huge influence in the jersey design, like someone paid way too much for some design work, or some serious cash was traded around before the jersey was brought to the Sabres attention. I can't wait to see the Sabres play the Preds. Figuring out who is who should be entertaining.

I just looked at the jersey again on and I still don't get it. The dark jersey looks like a practice jersey. Nothing more. I don't get it.

Update: If you want further proof of the silliness of all this, look no further than here. Or, keep your sanity, and don't look. You have been warned.

Opening Night Party at JAHL

If you are like me, you are going to be watching opening night from you couch. I have a game in town, and I'm staying home, if not just to get in two solid games. But that doesn't mean you don't have to hang out with your friends, or even your rivalries.

Opening night, Jerseys and Hockey Love is hosting a party, online. We're putting the chat board front and center, expanding it into a full post, and we're just going to hang out. Bring your favorite beverage, order the pizza (or burritos), and relax with OLN or TSN. Be here for the first Avalanche game (I'm not ready to predict anything), and the raising of the Hurricanes Stanley Cup Banner. Talk some smack or just say hi.

A good time for all. Opening Night Smackdown!

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Friday, September 15, 2006

Konowalchuk Having Medical Tests

Steve Konowalchuk is out of training camp, due to abnormalities in his EKG test from yesterday. Nothing further is known.

From a pure hockey standpoint, Steve is not who we want on the DL. He is much more than his salary to the team, and even with the money back, we all know how poorly the Avs have been spending a million here, a million there.

Otherwise, I certainly hope he's alright. Hockey has lost too many good people to heart problems lately.

-- Sent from my Treo, because small screens rock to blog with.

Not at Camp

No, I'm not there. Instead, I'm working a convention for home theater people. This means there are plasma screens, high end audio, and high def equipment everywhere.

What I haven't seen yet is a demo of hockey in HD. NHL, where are you. These are sales people of HD systems. Sell it to them. Looking at the gear around here, hockey must look great in HD. Some of the picture quality is really amazing (I was not a believer until now). Closeups of Rod Brind'amour must look... Uh.... never mind.

If I have any camp reports for you, they will be rehashes of other stuff I read. Which you may want. I really am not sure.

I'll link to it later, but the Denver Post had an article about Hedjuk about how much he misses the old teammates lost to free agency. But remember, yesterday was press day at the Pepsi Center, and that's the kind of thing you get.

-- Sent from my Treo, because blogging from work on a phone is so much fun.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

What did Bobby Clarke Teach Us?

The whole Bobby Clarke drama is fascinating to me. He makes a move, pisses people off, makes his case in a blunt way, then gets people back on his side. The funniest thing to be is how people say how the Canucks can not let this guy go, but go on about him being only a 10 goal scorer. Sure, he's still a prospect, but come on. If he isn't worth it, let him go.

What the real impact should be is a lesson to the rest of the GMs. Here is your lesson: sign your RFAs. That seams really simple, but there is more to that. This is something I wrote about a month ago, after posting a short version on Kukla's Korner Forums. I'm putting this up in it's entirety, because I believe it to be true. Bobby Clarke should remind other GMs how important it is to sign the people they value, not just let them dangle. One minute you are a top prospect, the next you are swinging in the breeze wondering where your hockey career takes you.

Let's be honest. If we really understood the ramifications of the new CBA, we'd be way ahead of the curve. The new CBA is like the old CBA, it will take time to play out. Nobody understood what the old CBA would like until there was a lot of money lost. Just like a Broadway musical, all of the planning and thinking in the world will not cover every base. So the pendulum swings the other way, and eventually (not last year, not this year) it will settle.

For a GM to do well right now, it isn't about the UFAs you sign, it's about your good RFAs you resign, and maybe even lock up. Hey, GMs, remember those guys you traded away, the ones who were expendable for the short term gain? Remember those guys toiling in the minors, the ones you drafted and forgot, because some big gun came along like a puppy in the window, the one you just had to have? The one you said if we got you would take out and walk, but you never did walk them, so who is stuck out in the snow, walking your UFA that I never thought was a good idea? Then, someone comes along and thinks they are so cute, and they ask their name, and I'm the one telling them, "Chara." How embarrassing. Yeah, those guys you drafted? They are your new franchise. They are your bread and butter, and not because they are cheap, but because they can be kept around for longer. They are the ones you can teach your system, and then keep them around for a while. You won't be playing against them in a year, because you couldn't afford their services.

If you have a moneyed team (Detroit, NYR, and yes, the Avs for instance), rejoice. Sing glory, glory, Khabibulin. This is where you can put that good money to use. Down in the minors. Listen up. This is important. The real reason the Carolina Hurricanes won the Stanley Cup was on the strength of their minor league system. Cam Ward, Eric Stall, and yes, even Mike Commodore (Calgary shared affiliations with the Canes) came from the Lowell Lock Monsters. Can you imagine the Canes run without Cam Ward? I saw him get lit up in Lowell. Lit Up. It's bound to happen, and that was the place for it. I saw Commodore knock the stuffing out of Craig Thompson of the P-Bruins in one punch. (Know where Thompson was next season? Asst. Coach in Peoria.) They learned lessons there, and those lessons led to a Cup. Speaking of the P-Bruins, where do you think Tim Thomas or Hannu Toivonen came from? Where did Ryan Miller come from? Most wins with the Rochester Americans since Gerry Cheevers. The future of the Washington Capitals is being built in Hershey, PA, with the Calder Cup winning Bears. The list can go on and on.

Math time: Draft Picks = Longevity = Franchise. Better yet: Draft Picks = Trained Entry Level Contracts = Cap Space for UFAs. Place the right amount of importance on UFAs, and don't underestimate the true value of an RFA.

If you don't know anything about the minors, which is not too tough around these parts, go find out. Most of the teams are too far away from the average fan. Wild fans won't be going to Houston, TX on a whim, San Jose fans aren't hopping the vacation plane to Worcester, MA, and the Avs fans aren't going to Lowell, MA Albany, NY for this years new location for the AHL affiliate. But, there is hope for some. Flyers fans can skip a game to go across the parking lot to see the Phantoms, Blues fans can travel a scant 167 miles to see who will be the next goalie for the rotation, and Islanders fans can go see the cost savings of less repeat uniforms by taking a ferry, if they like. The East Coast has it better in this respect. If the Bruins need a call up, he can drive an hour from Providence, RI to Boston (avoiding the Big Dig, of course). Hell, it's only 2 hours from Hartford to the Rangers on a good day.

Go see who your new stars are. Buy their jerseys at the game, or, after the season, pick up a game worn for cheap. You can say you knew of them when. And you will be watching the best hockey of tomorrow right now.

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Just a quick DiPietro thought

If Rick DiPietro is signed to a 15 year contract, that means he can't challenge for Garth Snow's job. Funny how the tables have turned.

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Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Brunette Signs Extention

Andrew Brunette signed a one year extension with the Avs today. From the Avs site:

The Colorado Avalanche Hockey Club announced Wednesday that it has signed forward Andrew Brunette to a one-year contract extension good through the 2007-2008 season.

"Andrew had a very strong season last year," said Avalanche Executive Vice President and General Manager Francois Giguere. "He's been a solid, consistent performer throughout his career and we're looking for much of the same from him over the next two years. He's a gifted athlete and a key contributor to our offense."

Overall, I think Brunette was underrated last year, playing on the first line with Sakic. I think this is a good thing, and the right time to do the deal. But here's something else to go alone with it.

According to the NHL Team Salaries Page, the Avs have 7 (now 8) players signed for the 2007-08 season, with 4 RFAs. Which means that next season (yes, I'm already looking at next year, while this one hasn't started), we get to dump some of the dead weight. That means no more Klee, Arnason, Turgeon, Brisebos, and May. This is a do or die season for a lot of players, and then the Avs get some wiggle room. And they can start to build a new team with Joe Sakic (a UFA in 2007-08, but he's not going anywhere). Brunette, I believe, will be worth having around for this year, and the next. He is a plug and play guy, put him in, and let him go.

I am not writing off this season, but having Brunette around, with the options available to the Avs, in 2007-08 is a good idea.

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What's the Big Deal?

I have been thinking about this, pouring over other blogs, listened to both sides of the debate, and I still don't get it. What did Bobby Clarke do that was so bad?

From, because I shouldn't have to type it:

Facing the impending retirement of captain Keith Primeau later this week, the Philadelphia Flyers have moved to find a replacement, offering Group II restricted free agent Ryan Kesler of the Vancouver Canucks to a one-year offer sheet.

The Canucks can now match the offer from Philadelphia or accept a second-round draft pick in compensation.

So, let me see if I understand. Clarke, who is looking for a player, sends an offer sheet to an RFA, which the RFA signs (accepts, whatever), and now the Canucks have to match the offer, or get a second round draft pick in return. Yep, still not seeing it. Let me try to logic this thing out.

The Canucks do not sign an RFA, another team offers more money for him, and so everyone is pissed off, and all of it is legal within the CBA. Still don't get it. Hang on, let me give this another try.

Bobby Clarke offers a 10 goal scorer a lot of money to come to his team, which is still under the salary cap. Everyone gets pissed. Nope.

Look, this is hockey business. If the Canucks are so hot on this guy that they will match an offer of $1.9 million, why did they only offer him a minimum qualifying offer of $564,000, instead of getting him locked up for a little more? Is everyone pissed because it's too much money for a 10 goal scorer? Then they should let him go. It's Clarke's money, and he is allowed to spend it as he sees fit. Or is it because the Canucks are too close to the salary cap? Then they should have made a few other deals less expensive.

Seriously, folks, let's get a grip. The pundit's are talking about salary inflation like it's 2002. We have a cap for a reason. If Clarke uses the cap to wrestle away a player left dangling, good for him. Maybe that is what it will take to get other teams to spend responsibly. If they can't spend within limits to get players signed, they can lose them. That's life. This is no more stupid than the ridiculous waiver system the NHL has in place. That is stupid. Go bitch about that.

What this should do is teach teams the importance of RFA's. They are your new mainstay, ones you CAN keep, if you want to. I feel a post coming up about that, which will delay my Red Wings ranting. Just a few more days, and then, oh, yes...

BTW: About a month ago, I typed up a post I never put up. It had to do with two players and what team should go for them. I never put it up, and today, half of that post was fulfilled. I'm not going to say who or what, because that would sound like I was either making it up, or like I wanted to be right more than just being in the conversation. This is what I learned: with a hockey blog, it is better to just stick your neck out there, and occasionally get it chopped off, as opposed to just shutting up because you may be wrong, or it may sound dumb. I don't know everything about the game, but I learn more by sticking my neck out than by just thinking about it. So endeth the lesson.

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Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Charles Wang Needs to Start a Blog

Why isn't Charles Wang blogging? This guy is pure gold around here. A lot has been said of the DiPietro signing today (15 years for $67.5 million), but the thing is, who cares about that? Sure, it's insane, makes no sense, probably isn't legal. But that shouldn't concern anyone. The nation should be taking up arms wondering why they don't have access to the innermost workings of this mans mind. He's not just insane, he has gone past the insane, transcended the insane, into a new model, which only looks insane, but is really just the universe coming together in one complete package.

As luck would have it, JAHL has obtained copies of the notes Wang has scribbled in the sidebar of his meeting notes. Let's take a look:

"To Do: Find out what the GM does."

"How many different words are there for Snow?"

"Saving money on new Soundtigers equipment: Check"

"Nothing more noble than a goalie. Find them more money."

"Get me a chihuahua"

"I wonder, what happens to ice when it melts?"

"Does Kevin Costner play defense"

"Yashin: 18 years, $94 million: make happen!!!" (Was underlined, circles, and had little hearts and hello kitties all around it)

"Oh no, what did I just do?"

Fascinating stuff. The man is a genius. Truly one of the most underestimated minds in hockey. I expect the cup to be on the Island by January. Bet Wang does too .

JAHL is Behind the Blog

Christy from Behind the Jersey interviewed me for her Behind the Blog segment, which she put up yesterday. You can find it here. I read a bunch of her BtB segments, which helped me when I was ready to start this blog. It was fun to do, and hopefully a fun read as well.

Behind the Jersey is a Red Wings blog, but don't let that stop you from going over there. ;) One of the really cool things about this blogging thing is how others in the blogging community have kind of embraced me. They provide encouragement, conversation, support, and seam to like what's going on over here. It makes it easier to do the "job."

That being said, I still have to respond to IwoCPO over at Abel2Yzerman. He put the Avs up against the Red Wings in a recent post, and practically begged for a rebuttal. Oh, yes, it's coming. Just a couple days out. For now, though, work is keeping me from rookie camp. Life can be cruel.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Rookie Camp 2

Before the break...

Punch in the face contest between Mitch Love and Cody McLeod. Love got the worst of it.

Tyler Weiman has it figured out. His mask is painted in Avs colors. Hear me there, Jose?

On to the scrimage:

Scoring: Richardson (2), Stastny(2), Boychuk(2), McLeod, Chumisky, Svagrovsky, Stewart, and Laliberte on a penalty shot.

Goals against: Weiman 2, Mayotte 9

Love and Brad Richardson got a little chippy on the boards. Nothing came of it.

Weiman looks really good. Is he our Kolesnik this year? Probably not, but maybe in another year or so.

Mitch Love is rocking out there. He's working hard.

Good day at the rink. They got a workout, and so did I. Blogging the camp made me watch it differently, in a good way. This should be a pretty fun season for me. Hopefully, for you too.

I'm working durring the rest of rookie camp, but I'm not sure about regular camp yet. I hope not.

-- Sent from my Treo

Rookie Camp

For a Sunday and being just the start of camp, this isn't a bad turnout. The Zamboni is cleaning up, so here is just a few things.

Wolski looks good at the start, but then he sputters a bit. Still looks good.

Richardson is roofing shots left and right.

#47 whiffs on a shot and the whole crowd looks at their lineups. (Raymond Macias)

Stadstny is just warming up. He's getting better as the day goes by.

Only the goalies have jerseys with patches.

Scrimage is starting. More later.

-- Sent from my Treo

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Unity of Hockey

I'm about to step into Comedy Works to see Bob Marley (from Maine). On my way in, some guys coming from the Oktoberfest celebration downtown stopped me to ask if this was a Cincinnati Cyclones jersey I was wearing. They are from Cincy, and were a bit suprised to see my jersey. They wanted to stay and chat, but had to run. I'm sure beer had something to do with it.

Jerseys are a hockey calling card. I would have never met them if it weren't for the jersey. And I wouldn't be posting this, while waiting in line to see some great comedy.

Rookie camp starts tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be posting live from there.

BTW, the guy working the door is from Cincinnati too. Guess how I found out.

-- Sent from my Treo, waiting to get in.

Hockey Jobs Pt 3

Again, the need for a new job comes up. A serious lack of stability, coupled with the need for stable income, lead me along the search. Here's the latest roundup:

Night Producer - (New York, NY)

Weekends and nights putting content on, including editing and converting documents and pictures for the web. The hours read like a theater schedule, which I love. But considering my html experience is limited to this blog, I'd have to say I am not qualified. But, if any of you websters out there want to take a shot...

Video Broadcast Engineer - Columbus Blue Jackets/Nationwide Arena (Columbus, OH)

Nationwide is a really nice arena. I've said that before. This job is dealing with all the video and audio needs in the building. If you like making YouTube hockey compilations, you might like this.

Publicist - National Hockey League (New York, NY)

The NHL needs a PR person. Based on the My NHL ads last year, I'm guessing this is a brand new position.

The problem now is that everyone is gearing up for the season, so I'm guessing most positions are filled. If you are looking for a job in hockey, better get moving now.

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Friday, September 08, 2006

I'm on Kukla's!

Paul Kukla of Kukla's Korner is starting his Fan Fridays today. And I must have been the only one to submit a post. It goes live at noon EST today. It's a pretty cool thing for me.

If you found your way here for the first time, welcome. Click around, scroll a little, check out some of my jerseys, and check out the cutest hockey fan ever (my niece, Zoe). With the hockey season nearly here, more posts will be going up.

This will take you to the piece.

More cool happenings on Monday.

-- Sent from my Treo, so I'll have to provide links later. And now you have them.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Cool Happenings

There are a few neat things going on around here in the next few days. One will be happening tomorrow, so keep your browsers set to the JAHL channel

I just got my partial work schedule for next week, and it looks like I may be working all through training camp, but I may be able to make some time for rookie camp. Rookies start Sunday, so hopefully, this will work out.

I'm going back to the Czech hockey bar soon to take some photos. I'll have a little post up here.

Last bit. I have an idea for opening night, and will be posting it up here soon. It's some serious group participation. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Credentials, Huh, What Are They Good For

The debate rages on around the blogs. What would happen to the blogosphere if NHL teams issued some backstage passes. The answers seem to range from improved blogging to the end of the universe as we know it. Most seem to agree they can live without the access.

What matters is what you would do with the access privileges if you had them. Myself? Glad you asked. Really, I don't care to interview players, or recap a game. Straight reportage can be found in the papers or at sports sites. I am nowhere near journalistic integrity, and have no desire to be associated with it. I would rather tell a story, or talk about the experience. Like getting to spend a night as a press member, what would that be like? What is the experience like for a fan rather than the jaded writers and broadcasters who do it all the time? What is a day like, start to finish, for some of the more background people on game day.

I want my writing to be somewhere between Travelogue vs. George Plimpton vs. Average fan. I want to see something a little different, have a different take on things, and tell people what happened. I want to talk about the places and people, the experience and feeling of it all. If hockey doesn't make you feel something, why bother writing about it at all?

While we're at it, I love the fact that this is my blog. I get to talk about what I want to, and hopefully, with the people who haunt it. I like the fact that I don't have to suck up to my team, and can be critical when I feel like it. I can pay the price by not having access, or be granted access, and do what I want within that. I am not the mainstream, and that makes me happy. Hockey doesn't have to be about what the NHL tells you it is. You get to make up your own stories, and so do I. I get to tell you, in my own words, about my first game, or my first time skating since I was 6 years old, or about the time I first skated backwards on purpose.

So, if you come by here, consider what you read pure me. And if I get to tell the story I want, more power to you. Because you get to come along for the ride. I hope it takes us somewhere pretty cool.

BTW: Spent my time tonight in a Czech hockey bar. Here in Denver. Something I didn't even know was there. More info later.

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Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Svatos signs, while Cats continues w/o me

Marek Svatos signed a one year deal with the Avs today, which was, of course, overshadowed by the Malkin signing. A one year deal makes perfect sense, as the Avs have no money left after the bonuses paid out this year to Joe Sakic and Rob Blake, and the rash of makeup signings throughout the offseason. This lets Svatos prove himself (he's got numbers, but so far, no longevity), and then re negotiate the deal for more money. Remember, cap dollars are averaged over the length of a contract, not just that years salary. At the age of 24, Svatos should still be an RFA at the end of this contract. Sounds like good news for all.

This pretty much means that the team is set, unless someone out there wants a few of the underachievers on the squad. I could point some fingers, but if they aren't pretty apparent, they will be soon. I'm not seeing much trade bait out here.

If you want the story from TSN, go there. But it's really just a rehash of the one from the Avalanche site.

All of this happened while I was loading in Cats here in Denver. It was the first Andrew Lloyd Webber show I have ever worked on, which is odd for a stagehand. The point is, musicals vs. hockey. I couldn't wait to get home to the blog.

BTW: The Avs will be holding Rookie Camp soon (Sept. 10th-12th). One of the guys I can't wait to see will be Tyler Weiman. He played a year with the Colorado Eagles (CHL) winning rookie of the year, and goalie of the year, and the President's Cup (the Stanley of the CHL).

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Did Svatos sign?

Kukla's Korner points to the magic eightball saying "Sighns Point to Yes" One year dear, which makes sense to me. If he's signed, we've got ourselves a team. More later, as it develops, but I have to go to work. A statement I hate having to make, "Musical theater is keeping me from my hockey." Just creepy.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Credentials and Blogging

With training camps just weeks away, bloggers everywhere are chomping at the bit, ready to get out to some games, see some prospects, and watch teammates punch each other in the face for a roster spot. AS usual, most of them will do it from the stands, getting nowhere near the kind of access allowed to mainstream media. But lately, the tide is starting to swing in the blogger's favor. The Washington Capitals are opening their doors a little, and the NHL has brought in Paul Kukla of Kukla's Korner into their ranks. So the blogging world has been talking about media credentials quite a bit lately. Mostly, about teams opening up their doors to bloggers, and what kind of guidelines there are for bloggers to get suck access.

If you want some of the backstory here, I suggest Sharkspage, Alanah via Kukla's Korner, Off Wing Opinion, and The Ice Block. In that order would help.

So my question to the blogoshpere is this. What would you do with your credentials? What would you write about, or what angle would you take with such access? Do you have a plan? What are you bringing to the table?

I know some of my answer to this, but will post on it in the next few days. I'd love to hear what you have to say. Comments are open.

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Hard to Title

Two thoughts at once: I can't wait for hockey season to start. Saturdays are good for staying home in Denver.

Somehow, walking home from one of my favorite bars, something happened nearby. Labor Day weekend in Colorado is fraught with stupidity. Drunks are on the road, people treat the long weekend as though this were Vegas, and football reigns supreme. Walking home, crossing Colfax Ave. at Speer (I live only one college campus away from the Pepsi Center), someone decided to be a little too stupid with the weekend. I don't know what happened exactly, but there was what you could call a loud noise. Kind of like a smash more than a crash. Looking up Colfax, a red Chevy Blazer(ish) was facing the wrong way on the sidewalk (never a good sign), and a police car was stopped shortly, with another car, facing the right way, directly in front of it. There were quickly several sirens, and police raced up Speer, passing the scene I was looking at. I stood on the median of Colfax, pointing at the (apparent) crash. One motorcycle cop looked up the street, turned around, and went up the street.

I walked on.

I really don't know what happened, but it was something that had been developing, because the amount of police presence was bigger than a simple intersection monitoring. I am more mad than happy I made it home safe right now. I got to my apartment, and typed this.

So, why two thoughts? The colder months in Denver seem to push the insanity of the city back indoors. Maybe this is why I like hockey people. They can discuss the game of the day, without the craziness of summer taking over the brain and adrenaline. Hockey fans can watch war on ice, then go back to the homestead, and discuss the art of the battle. Maybe the Stanley Cup Finals would be better served cold, in the earlier months, when rioting and looting are considered a dangerous endeavor (hey, everyone, that isn't a dig against your city. That has been Denver too many times for me). If you need a reason to go see a game in the minors, nobody riots because their team won or lost a championship in a minor league city.

This was written right after getting home from the previously blogged about incident. I apologize to no one for any of it. You can take my typos and deal with it. Like so many of my posts here, this is how I feel. And Denver on a Saturday night disappoints me.