Thursday, November 30, 2006

Avs Vs Canada Continues

The Avalanche take on the Edmonton Oilers tonight, in the second of a 3 game Canadian road swing. the Oilers sit 1st in the division, while the Avs are tied for last with Calgary. But, leads and positions are fleeting in this division, with only a point or two separating slots. Look at the Central division, and you see a lot more space between first and last. But hey, it's been that way for years.

I don't really consider this a must win, but I bet the Avs do. The see-saw season (up a few, down a few) can even out with a win, but if they have to wait until they get to Vancouver, so be it. Ales Hemsky is out for the Oilers, which is the only bit of good news there is for the Avs. Don't forget that last time the Oilers played the Avs, John-Micheal Liles got a knee out on Ryan Smith (since it was listed as a charlie horse, can we agree it wasn't knee on knee?), and while payback has become a non-existent thing (thanks for something, Bertuzzi), the Oilers will be gunning for the Avs hard tonight. Expect a fast game.

They question is, and always seems to be, who do you use in goal? I say Budaj tonight, so you have an excuse if he loses, then Theodore Saturday, but you could reverse that and say the same thing.

I will be at home watching it, as the Ballbuster (Nutcracker) is dark tonight. If it goes too poorly, I have a bit of housecleaning I need to get done.

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Robert L said...

What, no Theodore vacuuming analogies?

Tapeleg said...

R/C: are you even reading this blog? Go back to the last post. What did I just say? So the answer is no. Good try, though.

Robert L said...

I read the post on Buddah, other than that, I just look at pictures trying to figure out what they are!

Tapeleg said...

You like the pretty kitties. Good to know. I get so much more out of those cats, which is why I never wanted this to be an Avs centric blog. But since I am not travelling right now...