Saturday, November 04, 2006

Detrements to Hockey Blogging

The following are now known as the enemy. They should be carefully observed, and further recommendations will be considered: Battlestar Galactica: Television is a low priority in my life. Outside of hockey, Jon Stewart, Cartoon Network's Adult Swim, and MXC, I keep away from it. Series are right out. Except Battlestar. Every week, I have a reason to say, "Holy shit." If you don't like the genre (sci fi TV is different than regular sci fi), I can understand. But if you have any hankering for some of the good stuff, this is it. Unlike most sci-fi television, there is a continuing theme and plot line that drives the story, not just degrading into one basic situation after another. If Battlestar is on, and a hockey game is on, the game comes second. I can watch a replay. The Opera: Opera Colorado is gearing up for "The Magic Flute," and we are trench deep in production. To say that a production schedule is hectic is to give hectic too much credit. The hours are long, the work is a bit demanding, and after a day of it, coming home to write about hockey is difficult at best. You don't think about hockey, you think about where to hang a light, taping down cable, not falling to your doom from a balcony rail, making things nice and neat for the audience, and safe for the actors / singers. It's great fun at times, and at others, it is aggravating and exhausting. Afterwords, you think to yourself, "Blog? What blog?" The reading: There is a lot of good writing out there. It can take forever to sift through. Just take a look at some of the blogs in my blogroll. I need to update that thing, take out a few, add some more. I just cleaned out some of the blogs from my RSS reader, freeing up a bit more time. I wish I could read it all, but I just can't. If you read this blog, hey, thanks. There is a lot of choices out there, and I like being one of them. It's not always easy to keep up with the Jones, which you do have to do somewhat. It would be nice to be so self confident in my writing and blog to not have to worry about readership, but let's face it. I have a sitemeter for a reason. Really, I don't know how some people can keep up with all the reading. I just don't have that kind of time. If I tried to stay with it all, I wouldn't have any time for writing. Backlog: I have recorded over the Avs win in Columbus, have the Blues game in the pipe, and am taping the Canucks tonight. All I need now is a few hours (or days) to watch games. I haven't watched a game on OLN since the opening night. Too many Avs games to watch, and I haven't even watched them all. And don't forget, around here, hockey is a little more lonely than in Canada (not that we're bad hockey fans around here. Don't start quoting that for your own crafty purposes). Hockey isn't watched in groups in bars as often as Monday Night Football. And I could give two shits about football. Watching a game means watching at home, unless I want to be assaulted by drunk women calling me a terrorist. So I have some viewing to do. And sometimes, in an 82 game season, it's hard to care about what has already happened. Avs-centric: When I started this blog, I didn't foresee it as being an Avalanche blog, even though I knew the Avs would be a part of it. I wanted to talk hockey, all kinds of hockey. Womens, USA hockey, CHL, UHL, rec league. Just talking about hockey, not just my NHL team. Look where that went. But there you have it. The season has taken me, and this blog, over. Long and the short, some of this will rectify itself soon, as the Opera gets up and running, and then Nutcracker will follow quickly after, and that should be a nice long run. But Fridays are still Battlestar Galactica night. What can I say, I'm a geek. I like it that way.

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Doogie2K said...

How would you compare BG to DS9? They sound fairly similar, on the surface.

Tapeleg said...

BSG is SOOOO much better. Unlike a lot of TV sci fi, it follows a plot, and a motivation. It's gritty, and dark, and hard, and much more real than anything out there. It's not sit-sci-fi (like a sit-com, just going from show to show with a little twist, like the x-files did most of the time). and like most good sci-fi, it says something about today.

Roy said...

So say we all.