Thursday, November 02, 2006

Tonight at the Rink

Tonight at the Rink
Originally uploaded by Tapeleg.

I listened to the Avs game, because I was up in Breckenridge. Here was how I spent my evening. I have no idea who any of these people are, but who cares? It's freaking hockey! It's fairly obvious the blue team is better than the orange, but the orange goalie is keeping his team in the game. Final score: 5-4 blue. There was some real excitement with a 6 on 4 power play for orange at the end.

Breckenridge has a really nice facility, with an outdoor and an indoor rink. They take their hockey seriously up here.

It's not the NHL, but it is hockey. And for me, that's enough.

Sent from my Treo, straight from the rink

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen brotha, amen. It's hockey and that's all that matters. I was in Vail a few years back and happened upon the Ski Patrol playing the Ski Instructors. OMG, it was great. Small, intimate rink. The instructors won and to celebrate, they skated around the rink shaking their beers up and popping them open. It was fantastic.