Monday, October 30, 2006

Avs Beat Wild, But I Barely Watched

The Avs beat the Wild tonight, 4-1, but I only tuned in here and there. I just wasn't into watching a game tonight, which is a bit odd, but not that odd. Some days, you remember how long the season is. 82 games is a long season for everyone, players and fans. But still, I did tune in for parts of it. Here's what I saw:

The Avs played a 60 minute game. They didn't just stop in 2 periods, like they have. Plenty of shots on goal, spread out over the game. A trend I hope continues.

Ian Laperriere scored goal 100 tonight. He was so damn happy. He may just buy Brett McLean a pendant that says "Best Friends Forever"

The pace of the game seemed kind of slow when I tuned it. Maybe that's just a function of not paying attention to the whole thing.

If you need a recap, or want the Wild side of things, go to Wild Puck Banter.

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