Monday, October 23, 2006

Jerk At Hockey Bar Can't Ruin Avs Win

After what was an excellent day of work, I made my way to the hockey bar. Sobo 151 was sparse, but the crowd was more into hockey than Monday Night Football. I am now watching the Avs replay, and will be talking about the game maybe tomorrow. Later, after all the games of the day had wrapped up, I was challenged by a seemingly friendly person to some football. I love to play football, even against people who are better than me (I'm not bad, but not great). In a spirited first game, I lost 5-4. But overall, the mouth on the guy smacked of the sales guy who's wife left him, and this is his only outlet for his ego. After the first game, he wanted another. I reneged, mostly due to the fact that I suffer fools poorly, and fools I don't know even worse. My mistake was being willing to play a bit later, where the chatter turned up. I was getting sick of it, and started talking back. I had enough. Then he called me a dickhead. At that point, I told him to either shut his mouth and play, or just give up (I think it was polite to offer him the option, which is more than most people I know would do). I'd REALLY had enough. At that point, what someone like this guy does, did. He shakes your hand. My favorite part was when he called a friend of mine, who is a hockey player, a hockey ref, and a lot tougher than me (this guy, or most people I know) a "little lady." No shit.

At this point, you might expect me to be violent, but that is not my way. But let's be clear. Nothing was going to ruin what started as a good time, and ended as a bit of typing. So I got something out of it. In the end, the lesson should be clear. What you take into the hockey bar, may not be what everyone takes in. Go have fun, enjoy some hockey (win or lose), and leave it at that. Nothing else matters. Now if you will excuse me, I am going to enjoy an Avs win.

Note for Reality Check: Your comments have inspired me. Expect a post shortly.

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