Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Opening Night Avs, Before the Tilt

Here are some quick Avs notes before the opening night tilt:

Brad May and Pierre Turgeon are both on the IR. How this is a bad thing is beyond me.

Keep an eye on the Kid line, of Svatos, Wolski, and Stastny. Speed and skill will be good. But if they get rushed hard, or banged up a lot, it may fizzle.

Watch the glove hand of Jose Theodore. Just watch. Tell me what you think.

Is Marty Turco losing his confidence? Let's find out.

Who will be getting the two minors first? Klee or Arnason? I'm guessing Klee, but Brisebois may be the surprise candidate.

The Avs claimed George Parros of waivers from the Kings. Will he play tonight?

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