Monday, October 16, 2006

Second Period

SOG are staggeringly lopsided. If the Q didn't address this in the locker room, then fire him (like I need an excuse to fire him.)

BH 2-6 on the PP on 7 shots. In only one period. Not good. And there is the next penalty. WTF? But that was a penalty?

2 minutes to Shannon for not being here yet.

Why does Theodore fall at the puck / shot so often? Does,'tlook like control to me.

Sorry, make that BH 3-7. BH goal by Vbrata. Youo can still buy his Avs jersey here, you know.

Someone needs to punch someone in the face. Just saying.

There are so many penalties, you would think MaGoo was reffng the game.

Goal! Sakic on the wrister. $1 Kamikazie.

Skrastins on his third penalty of the night. You'ld think Turgeon was playing.

GOAL!!!! Arnason get's it in. Suck it, BH!

Shannon finally showed up. I am drinking Czech ale, and the Avs have closed the gap to 3-2. Hockey Night in Denver. Back in a bit.

-- Sent from my Treo, having a great fucking time.

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