Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tonight's game

I have not seen the Avs game, but my friend Shannon gave it away already, or at least the outcome. I will be watching later tonight or tomorrow. Right now, I am at the final dress rehearsal for the Colorado Ballet production of Dracula. A very cool show indeed.

Opening is at 6:30 pm tomorrow night, which means I will be taping the game for later. One of the bad things about the theatre schedule is that I don't get to read the blogs or see the scores until much later. Sherry from Scarlett Ice will have to wait for my response from tomorrow night's Senators - Avs game for a while. The good thing is that the theatre work makes me happy. A happy blogger is a good blogger. Except for a few out there. They are better being pissed. Bad for them, good for us.

-- Sent from my Treo, with my dancing shoes on.


Robert L said...

It's always a treat when someone beats the Leafs. Do you think they will spoil my Saturday night by starting Buddah? Sorry, I forgot the name...and beer!

Anonymous said...

Fucking Avs! They're too fast!

They really should start Buddah in Montreal, but maybe a win for Theodore will boost his confidence, or whatever the hell is is suffering from.

Hey RC! Bite it! The Habs lost to the Hawks tonight! Yhahaha!

Miss. Scarlett said...

That's okay, I can wait. I'll probably be studying anyways :P

Dracula sounds cool, I love the theatre.

Congrats on stomping all over the Leafs, but now it's on.

Tapeleg said...

Z - Maybe you haven't been watching hockey, but a lot of teams are losing to the Hawks. What was that smack about missing the playoffs?

Sherry - Dracula is pretty cool, at least the first and third acts. But Nutcracker is coming soon, and that will get in your head worse than an Ovechkin deke. And oh yes, it's on, till the break of dawn.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I know that. I just won't give RC any passes when he jabs AT my Leafs! NO LOVE!